Sam Heughan is NOT gay, but he's is honored that you think he is

Jul 29, 2018 19:29

Sam Heughan did an interview with NewNowNext and this is what he had to say:

A critic, or a troll, tweeted: “Mr. Heughan is one of the most boring homosexual actors out there.” Your retort: “Boring and homosexual never go together. But thank you for the compliment.x”

On if people sometimes mistake him as gay because he played many gay roles throughout his career:

"Yeah, I guess. I played a few gay parts and maybe people might make assumptions about me. I mean, it’s not true, but I don’t really care. I think, whatever, if that’s what you’re gonna pick out from someone’s performance. "

He thinks it's a compliment:

"I love that world. My makeup artist in the U.K. is very camp and she brings out the best camp side in me. "


outlander (starz), actor / actress
