Michelle Williams Covers Vanity Fair, Talks Pay Disparity & Secret Marriage

Jul 26, 2018 10:05

“I never gave up on love”: In our September cover story, Michelle Williams reveals her recent marriage, a new outlook on her career, and the lessons she learned from the pay-gap scandal that rocked Hollywood. https://t.co/sJGGrNEoxf pic.twitter.com/xMKtQAMl5G
- VANITY FAIR (@VanityFair) July 26, 2018
  • In a lengthy cover story with Vanity Fair, Michelle Williams talks about her work, motherhood and the pay disparity in Hollywood. She also opens up about her recent under-the-radar marriage.
  • Says she's more comfortable working on small movies, like her current project, a remake of the Danish film After the Wedding. But she also likes to do parts and genres she hasn't done before. She likes a challenge, which is why she's also taken on projects like Venom and All the Money in the World.
  • Williams says that the paparazzi attention she and daughter Matilda received after former partner Heath Ledger's death was "aggressive" and "kind of a violence", because she was basically being stalked. So she threw herself into her work and took her daughter with her on location to escape it.
  • An anecdote illustrating how crazy things were for her at that time: “I’ll never forget going to the post office and seeing a sign hung on the wall for anyone with information about myself and my daughter, to please call this number.” She smiles wryly. “Um, so I took that down.”
  • She's lived in the same Brooklyn neighborhood since 2005, and money never drove her past career decisions. But as she's gotten older, she's wanted more financial freedom and recognizes that a movie like Venom could allow her to continue to spend a lot of free time with her daughter and continue to do smaller films.
  • When the story about Walhberg's pay for ATMITW reshoots came out, no one cared, and Williams assumed that was that. But once Jessica Chastain tweeted about it, it caught fire, and she started getting a lot of questions about what she was going to do.
  • She spent a lot of time talking with Mónica Ramírez, the cofounder of the National Farmworker Women's Alliance who she met while working on the Times Up campaign, when negotiating with her agency. She ultimately didn't leave WME, and says she belives in second chances. But she discovered that women banding together was what garnered attention to the pay disparity.
  • She recently got secretly married to Phil Elverum, aka Mount Eerie, a musician who lost his own spouse in tragic circumstances. She is notoriously private about relationships, but loves her new husband for making her feel free, and advises people not to settle.
  • About Heath Ledger: “I always say to Matilda, ‘Your dad loved me before anybody thought I was talented, or pretty, or had nice clothes.’"
  • She and Sam Rockwell are being paid the same for their work on the new Bob Fosse series, which they stated right up front when they offered her the part. She cried at the news.


This is a really nice piece, imo, I'd recommend reading the whole thing.

magazine covers and articles, marriage / wedding, michelle williams, interview
