Almost 26 year old Demi Lovato was subtweeting someone and throwing shade on Twitter, her fans did some digging and seem to think it's about her sober coach.
She tweeted "Good luck on your blog" with no further message.
We assume this was her attempt at "good luck booking that stage you speak of".
Good luck on your blog.
- Demi Lovato (@ddlovato)
July 6, 2018 Fans seem to think it's about her sober coach Mike Bayer, who had said in an interview that his pet peeve about working with celebs is them using being an artist as an excuse. Allegedly that suggests that their working relationship is no longer good.
"I worked in entertainment for many years being a life coach for a lot of different pop stars and actors, and my biggest pet peeve is when they use excuses because they call themselves 'artists. I'm here today to explain to you that being an artist and being talented are two different things. To me being an artist is living your authentic life. I believe everyone out there is an artist."
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