'Sense8' Series Finale is here!! How did it end??!! + 4NonBlondes sing during finale screening.

Jun 08, 2018 05:58

Time to celebrate with your cluster. The Sense8 Finale is now streaming worldwide. 😭🙌🌎 pic.twitter.com/GBFRxppksD
- Sense8 (@sense8) June 8, 2018

So, Sense8 ended. How did it end? SPOILERS!
[SPOILERS!!!]- Every sense8 meet and their loved ones (Hernando, Daniela, Bug, Sexy Detective, Will's cop friend, Rajan and Felix) get to find out about their secretRead more... )

lgbtq film / media, lgbtq / rights, spoilers, sexy, sense8 (netflix), netflix

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Comments 38

funhouse June 8 2018, 12:56:11 UTC
Someone pls tell me [Spoiler (click to open)] what happens to Kala


slaygalthessily June 8 2018, 13:21:29 UTC
[Spoiler (click to open)] good things. :) she nearly dies, but lives, then enters into a poly relationship with Wolfgang and Rajan.


comava June 9 2018, 12:32:20 UTC
i want her life basically


purpleempire June 8 2018, 13:38:45 UTC
NGL, I was pleasantly surprised by the poly Kala/Wolfgang/Rajan thing but I feel a bit cheated out of a proper Kala/Wolfie moment.

Sexy cop is seeeeeexy omg Sun is so lucky bless her.


halliwell66 June 8 2018, 13:48:27 UTC
Thanks. I didn't want to go in without knowing for sure that precious Sun and her doggie would be okay and that really everyone got there happy ending. Off to watch


savage_land June 8 2018, 15:16:00 UTC
Thank god i never got into this mess of a show. It was a struggle to get through the first episode


pearkiwi June 8 2018, 21:52:17 UTC
Mte. I watched the first three episodes; giving it a good try and it was just meh.


luvthatdrtywata June 8 2018, 15:30:53 UTC
dead at them ending the show with an orgy and then saying "for the fans" ngl, i cackled. and then ending it with clips of the crew to "rather be" was really sweet. it's obvious they loved making this show. i'll miss it.


slinkydinks June 10 2018, 20:03:58 UTC
I'm super late to the party, but absolutely all. of. this. I was dying at that titlecard. It was the biggest wink to fanservice. And that credits roll made me feel all warm and fuzzy.


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