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anthonybouvier April 18 2018, 15:51:01 UTC
I went under an 18 wheeler in my little Corolla years ago and the truck carried me 300 yards before I was able to free my car out and then spun until I hit the concrete median wall. It was definitely the scariest and most traumatic moment of my life but for some reason during that whole time I didn't think I was going to die. The paramedics couldn't believe that I survived with just a cut on my leg and head and were begging me to go to the hospital but I didn't want a bill.


einodia April 18 2018, 15:52:46 UTC
that sounds absolutely terrifying i am glad you got through ok


dolce_piccante April 18 2018, 16:08:43 UTC
Holy shit! Thankful you’re ok!


kerosene_pill April 18 2018, 16:14:15 UTC
You been touched by an ANGEL girl.gif


trancexperiment April 18 2018, 16:22:27 UTC
Holy shit blessings to you! That's like my biggest nightmare on the road and why i hate driving next to semis so much

Did the other driver get in any trouble?


vivalakeyana April 18 2018, 16:24:04 UTC
Wow, that's incredible. Glad you lived!


urtrash April 18 2018, 17:24:23 UTC
omg that was just not your day to go, shit, i'm glad you're okay bb!!thats wild!


shigo_atrl April 18 2018, 17:26:58 UTC
Immortal teas ! God bless sis~


slinkydinks April 18 2018, 17:37:07 UTC
Damn! That's scary as shit. Also, the fact that you were reluctant to get stuck with a bill for a hospital visit just speaks volumes about our healthcare system. So messed up...


i_heart_pizza April 18 2018, 17:33:55 UTC
i was just like...super resigned lol. i was like, "well. that's that. i lived a great life."

Lol my sis had something similar, she fell from a roof but her arm got caught and she was dangling for a couple of mins before ppl helped her down. I asked her omg were you freaking out and she said that she was pretty dizzy from the pain but mostly it was like ok this is it, this is how I die and the she felt pretty calm about it


slinkydinks April 18 2018, 17:38:24 UTC
This is why I got my partner a dash cam. Not that it'd help if you died horrifically in a car accident, but if you survived, there'd be less doubt about fault.


thefreshchuff April 18 2018, 17:56:33 UTC
I once had a heavy curtain rod fall on my head, and for some reason I was convinced I was going to bleed to death in my sleep (because I'm suuuuper overdramatic). I was like "Well, if I die tonight, at least it'll be okay that I never lived up to my potential." This mood might have been influenced by a light concussion, lol


moonseternity April 18 2018, 21:35:34 UTC
I had that experience today on my way home from work, except the person crossed the center line because they were playing on their phone.


i died once it wasnt so bad. ext_3702912 April 18 2018, 22:06:49 UTC
was at work and fell out they said i turned white/ my lips were blue and had no pulse.i woke up in the hospital few hours later.


archersangel April 19 2018, 02:39:43 UTC
I had something similar.
I was coming back to the car at a grocery store after putting the shopping cart in the return corral thing. About half-way through the road-area where cars go through the lot I see out of the corner of my left eye this car speeding (at least 30-40 MPH, but that's A LOT in a parking area) towards me.
I start trying to run, but I was never very fast, and thought: This is it. This is how I die. I managed to get out of the way in time, the woman zipped past & yelled "sorry!" out her open driver's window.
I get back to the car & tell my parents, who were with me, that I very dearly died.


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