'Black Mirror': Jeremy Renner filmou no Brasil? Netflix esclarece! -
https://t.co/Vp28dghfWi pic.twitter.com/R1opnLQczQ- CinePOP (@cinepop)
March 30, 2018
- Acording to the source Jeremy Renner was in São Paulo, Brazil filming an episode of Black Mirror.
- Filming took place in an apartment on Paulista Avenue one of São Paulo's most important avenues.
- Netflix contacted the source and denied Renner was in the episode but admited to filming in Brazil.
https://instagram.com/p/BhFDmmCBlxwhttps://instagram.com/p/BhAEgC_hbUx- Jeremy was in New Zeland as a guest of Armageddon Expo in Wellington, New Zeland
Later in the day Jeremy shared some of his new music on his Instagram