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tadashee March 27 2018, 18:20:54 UTC
that's so sad. Pain management can be so tricky.


boomstick March 27 2018, 18:22:35 UTC
Yup. My fiancé's brother died a few months ago because of fentanyl. He had bad drug problems in the past but had been clean for a few years. He got into an accident and was prescribed painkillers. He very quickly backslid and overdosed a week later on heroin. The autopsy report showed high levels of fentanyl in his system.


tadashee March 27 2018, 18:27:04 UTC
ugh. I am so sorry. I am always curious about pain management for addicts. Im a med student, and its insane to see everyone on norco even if they are just their for pneumonia or something non-surgical.


boomstick March 27 2018, 18:29:39 UTC
Thank you :( My brother has drug issues as well. He got knee surgery and was in intense pain for days because he was too scared to take anything stronger than a regular Tylenol. I realize it's scary for him to barely even be in control of your brain and actions, but he was in agony. It sucked.


melancolour March 27 2018, 19:25:00 UTC
I hope you keep in mind how mind-boggling it is to see so many people doped up, I think a lot of doctors have lost perspective on that. It's absolutely something that's over-prescribed in society, and you're at least on the inside and can hopefully look for alternatives.


graveyardgirl7 March 27 2018, 18:32:28 UTC
yeah and they're over here trying to ban natural alternatives used in the treatment of chronic pain smh. obv there's no one size fits all and i'm not trying to be like woo homeopathy (because that's not really what I'm talking about) but it is really not right how they want to leave people with no other options but obviously dangerous and addictive pharmaceuticals.


heart_iswild March 27 2018, 19:07:02 UTC
mte...let me smoke pot in peace


watercolor_eyes April 8 2018, 00:34:43 UTC
my grandma has a fentanyl patch for her back :/


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