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firetears_x January 23 2018, 23:47:52 UTC
My favorite for every generation died. My ex still teases me to this day about my reaction to Freddie's death.


sweet_heloise January 24 2018, 00:13:47 UTC
I don't know why they needed to kill someone off in every generation. It became such a trope.


lostscribbless January 24 2018, 00:23:33 UTC
i will go to my grave thinking that freddie's death was some bullshit


sea_thoughts January 24 2018, 00:45:31 UTC
Freddie's death was such a WTF moment for me. And then on top of being murdered by his girlfriend's psychiatrist (what), the fact that NONE of his friends seemed to notice he was missing on his birthday, let alone care, infuriated me. The whole ending of Generation 2 was a clusterfuck.


snortingcoke January 24 2018, 00:48:11 UTC
it was some bullshit the way they killed freddie and then ended the season with that weird dance party. it also cheapened chris's death tbh because it became just a shock value thing they did at the end of every gen.


rainstormraider January 24 2018, 02:20:14 UTC
I'm still not over his death. He was the only reason I ever got back into watching Skins.


starsaregas January 24 2018, 02:21:04 UTC
Freddie's death was so horrifying. Shit even to this day I feel like I'd be unprepared to watch it. He wasn't my favorite, but he was definitely better than Cook and I thought the actor was so hot.


veryshortstory January 24 2018, 04:56:35 UTC
How awful of your ex. I was binge watching all the series and when I got to Freddie's death, I was in shock. I still won't touch that episode years later.


readmymiind January 24 2018, 06:36:49 UTC
Lol i still remember the day i saw that episode. Freddie didn’t deserve it.


swissbeauty23 January 24 2018, 08:45:30 UTC
Freddie's death was....a choice on the writers' behalf.


gorlplz January 24 2018, 17:41:39 UTC
mundodeamor January 24 2018, 20:02:47 UTC
Ugh I'm angry now that I am reminded of his death

it was SO unnecessary and over-the-top violent


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