Celebs paid tribute to Heath Ledger on the 10th anniversary of his death

Jan 22, 2018 16:40

Naomi Watts paid tribute to Heath Ledger on the 10th anniversary of his death: "I will never forget his gentle spirit." https://t.co/djeHxoqZrD pic.twitter.com/8IAb6y8ChT
- E! News (@enews) January 22, 2018

It's been ten years since the death of Heath Ledger. While attending the premiere of his film Wildlife at the Sundance Film Festival, Jake Gyllenhaal said, "Friendship can't be explained in a sound bite or can it in three-minute interview and those who can do it I find sort of odd. I happen to not be one of those people." Busy Phillips posted a video saying:“I was just driving and I was thinking about my friends Heath who died 10 years ago and this song came on, ‘Time to Pretend,'” she says in the post. “It came out after he passed away and I remember when it came out, because [I thought] it made me think of him. I just thought he would have liked this song. And for some reason, every time I hear this song… it’s weird.” While Naomi Watts simply said:"I will never forget his gentle spirit."

source= https://twitter.com/enews/status/955569445782597638

naomi watts, jake gyllenhaal, death, heath ledger
