Jodie Whittaker regenerates into the 13th Doctor (and Moffat is gone)!!!

Dec 25, 2017 15:37

The time has come.
Let the regeneration begin... #DoctorWho
- Doctor Who Official (@bbcdoctorwho) December 25, 2017

- At the end of tonight's Doctor Who Christmas Special, Jodie Whittaker became the 13th doctor!
- Jodie becomes the first woman to lead the iconic role.
- This episode also was STEVEN MOFFAT'S FINAL EPISODE ( Read more... )

doctor who (bbc), peter capaldi

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a_files06 December 25 2017, 23:29:37 UTC
JUST finished it.

I enjoyed it for the most part. It was great seeing 1/12 together, they played off each other really well.

I do fill bad for Bill, I enjoyed her but seeing her come back just didn't pack the same punch as seeing a glimpse of Clara did. I would've liked Clara used in Bills place since she just pulls more of an emotional punch.

Instead of using the Dalek I feel like it would've been better to use The Library and have River help out.

For so long I have seen the hate for Moffatt and I never got it until 12s series so I am extremely happy that this show is getting fresh blood bts. Hopefully the companions all don't die off in some way.


nomorefrostbite December 26 2017, 01:39:30 UTC
seeing her come back just didn't pack the same punch as seeing a glimpse of Clara did. I would've liked Clara used in Bills place since she just pulls more of an emotional punch.

To quote Luke Skywalker, "Amazing, every word that you just said was wrong".


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