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Comments 23

zeysech December 7 2017, 17:59:26 UTC
Okay so last night's episode was actually good? Hirst just can't write women so the more he focuses on the men the better this show is, sad. I love how realistic the brother's split was and how it dealt with Ubbe's in character fuck up. The acting in that scene was so good too.

Also Bjorn and Halfdan totally want to fuck each other, damn.

The Freydis scene was gross bc she got introduced and immediately got naked. I also wish Hirst would stop with the sexualized slave girl romances, this shit is not cute. Especially since every time he does it the power dynamics get worse and worse. I want one of the bros to have a political marriage just because it would be nice to have a love interest with acknowledged agency.


I asked the writer to end that scene with Lagertha raping him. I teach women self defense and I know that rape is never about "sex".. it's about control. Lagertha, as a character (regardless of her gender) is in a dark place.. and fighting to get that power back in her life. https://t.co/HWsefOTJXY
- Katheryn ( ... )


mammary_glands December 7 2017, 18:02:00 UTC
confirmation that lagertha is a dipshit villain on purpose at least, and that we can all stop pretending she's some kind of hero.

also kudos for having the cajones to call it rape and not "forcible hate sex" or whatever that bullshit reviewer called it.


zeysech December 7 2017, 18:06:41 UTC
This is true, and the show is a lot more enjoyable when you think of it as a bunch of villains.


lollapoe December 7 2017, 18:18:39 UTC
I want one of the bros to have a political marriage just because it would be nice to have a love interest with acknowledged agency.

This is all I want tbh. I’m kinda sad the plot with Aelle’s daughter marrying one of them won’t happen now.


mammary_glands December 7 2017, 17:59:48 UTC
still shook by how good last night's episode was, especially after last week. this is the show i remember from season 2, but i just know the quality won't last. ivar, finehair, and astrid >>>>>>>>>>

hmm @1:26 of that promo tho. waiting patiently for someone to gif that flashback smooch. it better be in the episode in HD when it comes out 😭


watersofain December 7 2017, 18:06:17 UTC
lmao i guess i’m probably in the minority because i was bored to death last night. but i hate ivar and the other brothers, so. meh.

i think i’m just losing interest in general. also, michael hirst can kiss my ass.


mammary_glands December 7 2017, 18:11:33 UTC
if you don't find ivar's white devilry at least mildly entertaining, i can see it all being very boring


(The comment has been removed)

zeysech December 8 2017, 23:46:49 UTC
Ubbe > Bjorn imo, they're both stupid, but at least Ubbe is somewhat responsible.


lollapoe December 7 2017, 18:13:39 UTC
You guys, I fell back into this show, unexpectedly, after last season almost broke me. Do you guys discuss it anywhere else?

Anyway, a few things I gotta vent about: Ivar killing his brother with 0 repercussions seems ridiculous, even for this show. Kinslaying is a big deal in any culture, but specially theirs. And is he the protagonist now? He’s horrible and could be fine in small doses, but him as the focus... meh. And are they seriously going with the “blonde slave girl” as romantic interest again, seriously?

I... kinda like Ubbe now, not looking forward to his eventual character assassination. Hvitserk is useless.


zeysech December 7 2017, 18:28:12 UTC
The last episode, to me at least, actually pretty easily set up why Ubbe would join up with Lagertha. I'm not saying it's a good choice, but Ubbe hasn't really been making a lot of smart choices recently anyway lol.


lollapoe December 7 2017, 18:45:41 UTC
Oh I’m not even talking about that civil war that’s coming, there are no good sides in that, just more pointless death. I was more speaking generally, and how incapable of writing these characters consistently the showrunner seems.


zeysech December 7 2017, 18:59:51 UTC
Lol, this is fair, I actually think, as the show gets more into black and white extremes in terms of characterization, it will be easier for him to write characters consistently. New gen, characters I mean. It's mainly the characters who have been here a while that have suffered because of how much the show shifted in tone and focus.


helyanwe89 December 7 2017, 18:22:40 UTC
I forgot this came back and am now really behind.


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