Armie Hammer responds to Buzzfeed article pointing out that Armie Hammer is a huge flop

Nov 26, 2017 23:36

Your chronology is spot on but your perspective is bitter AF. Maybe I’m just a guy who loves his job and refuses to do anything but what he loves to do...?
- Armie Hammer (@armiehammer) November 26, 2017

pr training needed, celebrity reactions, actor / actress

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hahahey November 27 2017, 04:41:34 UTC
He’s a Nate Parker supporter, he’s not harmless


triviagogo29 November 27 2017, 04:43:02 UTC
he is a billionaire from an oil rich family from texas (which means he is even more privileged and sheltered than the average generic white boy) and said that whole bullshit about ppl being unfair to nate parker and how it was all hatchet job. so that's two pretty good reasons imo.


emptyobsidian November 27 2017, 04:49:02 UTC
And also throw in some of the shitty race stuff he said as well. Like, I have seen people in the last post and this one trying to sell the whole "Oh Armie is so harmless why is buzzfeed being mean to him?!?!?" narrative. Like, we have "canceled" people for much less.


ellaellaeheheh November 27 2017, 10:44:14 UTC
and I think people are wrong about it being mean, she is just writing a celebrity analysis. Maybe its because I'm familiar with her work, so I know she has done this kind of articles over the years. She even had one comparing Casey and Nate Parker. it is not mean, just understanding how hollywood works and protects guys like him.


anyaroses November 27 2017, 14:54:45 UTC
Yup. She has a PhD in Media Studies and wrote her dissertation on celebrity gossip. She's literally DOING HER JOB by analyzing a celebrity's career.


drblind November 27 2017, 04:54:04 UTC
+ shitty race things
+ nate parker supporter
+ mediocre actor, not even freakishly attractive to a degree where i can forgive him for being boring
+ i'm just fuckin tired of the children of billionaires tbqh


lolzerz November 27 2017, 05:29:36 UTC
I wonder, does ontd like nick kroll?


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lolzerz November 27 2017, 06:35:01 UTC
well some of us have parents with shitty ideals but I'm surprised people don't come at nick kroll ever, his family is in the 1%


triviagogo29 November 27 2017, 06:47:46 UTC
Nick's father company was one of the companies hired by Weinstein to discredit his victims and spy on them. It's definitely a very shady company. Although I have no clue what Nick's relationship to his father is nor I follow his career or his opinions.


bellwetherr November 27 2017, 15:02:33 UTC
nick kroll isn't hot so no one really cares about him enough to have an opinion


slinkydinks November 27 2017, 08:38:40 UTC
He hasn't flopped nearly as hard as Taylor Kitsch yet. But Hollywood did give up on him...


manda2119 November 27 2017, 17:25:14 UTC
They gave up on Taylor Kitsch? He's about to headline a miniseries with Michael Shannon. He just had two movies out in the past two months...


slinkydinks November 27 2017, 22:59:34 UTC
They were touting him as a leading man type, with John Carter, Battleship, and what-have-you. As far as is on my radar, he hasn't been the star of any big-budget films lately. Maybe he's still getting work, but not as the bankable "leading man."


ellaellaeheheh November 27 2017, 10:41:43 UTC
because Anne Helen writes about fame/gossip/celebrities and usually has articles on buzzfeed of ones releasing something at the moment. She recently had articles on Jen Garner, Charlize Theron, Mackelmore. She even wrote about Casey x Nate Parker. its just what she does.


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