Celebs react (with horror) to Trump admin rescinding TPS for 60,000 Haitians

Nov 21, 2017 20:44

Please read suggestion on the bottom on how you can help!Background: TPS, or Temporary Protected Status, allows people from countries hit by war, environmental disasters or other crises to live and work in the US legally. It was granted to Haitians after the earthquakes. There are now 60,000 Haitians living under TPS in the US. They have kids, jobs ( Read more... )

celebrity social media, news / news anchors, music / musician (rap and hip-hop), politics, celebrity reactions, black celebrities, books / authors, race / racism, actor / actress

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zoaster_toaster November 22 2017, 03:55:31 UTC
I don't understand how anyone can be so devoid of empathy as Trump is.


notonthisday November 22 2017, 05:51:13 UTC
I feel like I can't even be mad at Trump. He's a terrible person but we always knew that. It's not like he painted this beautiful facade and then changed the minute he was elected into office. I'm more upset at the American people. I don't understand how some Americans can actually still support him after everything that's happened.


wackypinkbunny November 22 2017, 06:02:31 UTC
Yep, same here. I think his voters and supporters are much worse because they allow him to be in power and to be able to do these things.


how_vintage November 22 2017, 12:48:56 UTC
This is how I feel. He's garbage, but his millions of followers that consistently defend him for the horrible shit he's done? Nothing will make them ever stop supporting him. So fucked up.


muzicnem November 22 2017, 13:37:30 UTC
This. People who still support him are willfully ignorant pieces of shit.


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