Celebs react to the Trump administration rolling back protection on birth control

Oct 06, 2017 16:35

So it's not a good time to talk about gun control but birth control is fine to regulate? #HandsOffMyBC
- kerry washington (@kerrywashington) October 6, 2017

An Obama era requirement made it mandatory for employers to include access to birth control in their health insurance policies.

New policies allows employers to refuse to provide birth controlRead more... )

feminism / social issues, celebrity reactions, kerry washington, castle / nathan fillion / stana katic

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numbedtoe October 6 2017, 20:41:04 UTC
This is no end to his evil. I legit think he's gonna get us into a war. Or launch some kind of military skirmish because in the USA we've never not re-elected someone during a time of war. it was brought up more than once when Bush the jr won again.


oldfrenchminuet October 6 2017, 20:52:45 UTC
People were speculating he was gonna announce something of the like after making the "you'll find out" comment :(


longslowslide October 6 2017, 21:06:07 UTC
I'm sure his corrupt defense contractor friends are behind the scenes pushing him in that direction.


yami_no_hoshi October 6 2017, 21:51:00 UTC
I've heard rumours he's going to de-certify the Iran nuclear deal. I know the war hawks and neocons have been itching to get at Iran for ages. :/


numbedtoe October 6 2017, 23:57:53 UTC
9k years ago, I read Norman Schwarzkopf's autobio. he talked a lot of the complexities and why going into Iraq would be a mistake since the gov would ignore the tribal complexities of the sunni's and shias. which we did years later. but he said ultimately if anyone were dumb enough to think they'd go after the middle east for their oil, and i know the whole lulz about considering different countries part of the middle east when America is the only country who does. but he talked about how the last thing anyone wanted, was the right or rather wrong obvious, person walking into the middle east to empire build. because it could end up being the one thing that united the arab world against whomever that enemy was. no matter any so called previous alliances. IE, us. and i'm really over simplifying how he'd lined out how bad that would be. and he was talking multiple countries, not just walking into one like Russia had done, or when we'd gone to assist Kuwait. but having foot holds in several arab countries, as a non arab, non muslim entity ( ... )


pure_heroine October 7 2017, 12:19:12 UTC
I can't believe I had the attention span to read the whole comment, but ia with everything. Especially the whole "enemy of my enemy" thing. It has been talked about for years for a good reason, because US getting right in the middle of the disputes in the Arab world would be a disaster. And not just the Arab world, but everywhere, North Korea-China alliance is a big threat as well, and Russia and their comrades. If US wants peace, they need to stop acting like the world police. I get that there is this tradition and a feeling of duty as the most powerful country in the world, but in the end it's only making matters worse ( ... )


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