ONTD Original: Gender Swapping in Television

Jul 16, 2017 20:33

BBC News - Doctor Who: Jodie Whittaker casting splits fans https://t.co/m6ZmoB65wJ
well done, another diversity box ticked!!
- Jasmin (@ladyjasmin007) July 16, 2017
With Doctor Who regenerating into a female for the first time in the shows history and causing massive outrage across the galaxy, here are other examples of popular male characters turning ( Read more... )

hawaii five-o (cbs), sherlock, skins (us), skins (uk), television, doctor who (bbc), ontd original, elementary (cbs)

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nomorefrostbite July 17 2017, 00:46:07 UTC
Cute gif selection, OP!!

Also, SUPERIOR WATSON, SUPERIOR STARBUCK!!! I have no opinions on original Kono as I didn't watch the original H50, butttt I love(d) our modern day Kono, and glad Grace and Daniel left the show and gave them the finger for the fuckery over pay. Both deserve better and will land better gigs, and already are.

I've been arguing with neckbeards broflake nerd boys and self-hating women burdened with internalised misogyny all evening lmao. Their delicious tears.

The CREATOR of Doctor Who literally said there should be a female regeneration of the Doctor in the early 1980s... like... HE'S AN ALIEN FROM A CIVILISATION THAT IS "BILLIONS OF YEARS BEYOND YOUR PETTY HUMAN OBSESSION WITH GENDER AND ITS ASSOCIATED STEREOTYPES."How canonically does the Doctor got to spell it out? He's not human, he's not a 'man', he's not a 'male character', he can easily become she because that's how his species regenerates and works ( ... )


t_snake July 17 2017, 00:49:51 UTC
re the doctor being a man: idk because we are so used to it? especially if you start watching it in another language where there is gender then you are so used to it?

edit: i am more than happy to get used to a female doctor tho! i just have my skepticism on (which i have at every regeneration so)


nomorefrostbite July 17 2017, 00:57:44 UTC
I think it's normal for any fan to have Regeneration Skepticism - we all go through it!! Apart from me when 11 regenerated into 12, that was just a flat out party for me.

It's all part of the usual regeneration cycle for people to have doubts, but eventually we see the new doctor and realise it's all good.

I think re: the gender, people think of the Doctor as a man, cos he's always looked like one. But he's an actual ALIEN and just because he appears as a man doesn't make him one, especially as his species doesn't have the same construct and norms of gender as ours does. That the Doctor is super attached to Earth and the human species and more often travels with Earthlings and has like ~adopted~ Earth as the planet he wants to protect and shit like that lol so he assimilates in a way does not mean he is human.

Dude has TWO HEARTS (two more than Katie Hopkins, as someone responded on twitter to her bitching about the regeneration lmao).


t_snake July 17 2017, 01:01:39 UTC
ahah i think we all skipped the skepticism then ahah

but yeah, i completely agree with you. i am really curious to see how they will explain it tho. and she better ask if she's ginger.. or put her in a ginger wig for an episode or two ahah


espressotorte July 17 2017, 01:02:06 UTC
Dude has TWO HEARTS (two more than Katie Hopkins, as someone responded on twitter to her bitching about the regeneration lmao).

A friend of mine told me about this, I was dying


nomorefrostbite July 17 2017, 01:47:11 UTC
I was sccrreaammminngggg lmao

... )


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