Sofia Coppola Responds to ‘The Beguiled’ Backlash

Jul 15, 2017 20:27

Sofia Coppola Responds to ‘The Beguiled’ Backlash #thebeguiled
- IndieWire (@IndieWire) 15 juillet 2017

Coppola has been criticized for not including an African American character in her film.

following up this postShe felt that treating slavery as a side-plot would be insulting ( Read more... )

coppolas, film, film director

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zazie_toujours July 15 2017, 18:58:30 UTC
All she wants to do is these intimate private little white girl aesthetic chamber movies. That's why Marie Antoinette worked. Young pretty white queen confined to a glorious space away from any hardship

I will say tho, Coppola gave us Emma Watson as Ja'mie King in The Bling Ring which was a hilarious performance


civilsavage July 15 2017, 19:04:51 UTC
you're so right, which is ironic because that's a movie that i have no problem summing up with the word "forgettable".


adrock July 15 2017, 19:18:15 UTC
even marie antoinette was deliberately completely cut off from the real world around it. she just can't do substance.


zazie_toujours July 15 2017, 19:27:54 UTC
yeah I was like waiting for the revolution to creep in etc, but no. that was it. cupcakes and crinolines lmao

but like, I've read a couple of her interviews and, I don't want to sound like a bitch but she just does not seem like a very intellectually curious person. At all. She's just not interested in things beyond her own experience, which, lbr, is sheltered rich girl. I don't think she's the wooorst or anything but it's disappointing to say the least.


thirteencands July 15 2017, 19:33:14 UTC
imo her films are always so superficial and empty, i never understood how she got so much praise


espressotorte July 15 2017, 19:32:19 UTC
All she wants to do is these intimate private little white girl aesthetic chamber movies.

Which is why her work is completely unappealing to me


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