Sofia Coppola Responds to ‘The Beguiled’ Backlash

Jul 15, 2017 20:27

Sofia Coppola Responds to ‘The Beguiled’ Backlash #thebeguiled
- IndieWire (@IndieWire) 15 juillet 2017

Coppola has been criticized for not including an African American character in her film.

following up this postShe felt that treating slavery as a side-plot would be insulting ( Read more... )

coppolas, film, film director

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kunklebunkle July 15 2017, 18:56:41 UTC
Do you really want to see Coppola tackling Slavery? I agree with Ira here, she'd be totally out of her depth:

I personally don't see a problem with Sofia Coppola removing a slave from a narrative and staying in her lane but damned if she does I guess
- Ira Madison III (@ira) June 17, 2017


snuffyqui45 July 15 2017, 19:01:05 UTC
There's staying in your lane and their's justifying you remaining in said lane with some bullshit horrifyingly obtuse nonsense like "the slaves left"

How bout say fucking nothing if you didnt want to tackle it.


sassandthecity July 15 2017, 19:06:06 UTC
Like I like Ira but that was like the biggest bit of nonsense because Sofia basically wanted to do this movie because she liked ~the aesthetic~ of Southern gothic and basically everything else be damned.


snuffyqui45 July 15 2017, 19:09:33 UTC
Actual quote from this woman

“I’ve always loved the women in the South, and the South in general; it’s so exotic and different.”

But no we should definitely give her the benefit of the doubt 😒😒😒


aristobrit July 15 2017, 20:42:45 UTC
she liked ~the aesthetic~ of Southern gothic and basically everything else be damned.

THIS. You can dance around it all you want, but she's basically a visual artist and the story comes second. Marie Antoinette is all the proof of that you need. You can watch that film with the sound off--for Sofia it's all about the superficiality of how things look (and they better look pretty). Beguiled is the same, it's all about the look, not the content. Twenty or thirty years ago she could have gotten away with all this but it's much tougher to pull off in 2017.


kunklebunkle July 15 2017, 19:14:55 UTC
You are being a bit obtuse here yourself. Maybe you need brushing up on Civil War history. Slaves left could mean they ran way. And that happened quite a lot during the Civil War with the slaves running towards the union lines because the Union government passed a law freeing any captured slaves from lifelong servitude. Before the civil war, run away slaves had to be returned as per the laws. But the law was changed with the start of the civil war and the number of runaways swelled from maybe a few thousand prior to the Civil War to 100,000-150,000. The movie was based during the Civil War. It would not have been unheard of for slaves to run away to freedom particularly in Virginia which was very close to the Union line.


thirteencands July 15 2017, 19:29:40 UTC
lol but i think you missed the point there ? the problem is not that slaves did leave during civil war and that her stating that in the movie is historically correct, this is about the fact that she made a film that happens during the civil war aka one of the most important moments in this country's history with racism/slavery while erasing all the black people from the narrative. AND apparently her main interest for this film resides in the glamorization of the antebellum south. if she didn't want to tackle race during the civil war of all things, she shouldn't have done the movie. and if she was going to tackle it, she could've just done some extensive research which is her job.


spanishsaharaa July 15 2017, 19:35:05 UTC
mte. And I normally agree with Ira (like no, I don't want her tackling these issues tbh) but her previous comments have been messy and she deserved to get dragged for it. If she was going to tackle it she should have definitely knew wtf she was doing and not erase the past.


snuffyqui45 July 15 2017, 20:01:39 UTC
I thank you for having more patience that I did to answer to this user bc I just...cant rn


life July 15 2017, 23:04:36 UTC
between this and the aladdin casting post the commenter is straight exhausting at this point lol


sailormood July 16 2017, 02:32:03 UTC
Dont forget the Elle Fanning/Woody Allen post where the user stans the fuck out of once Oscar-less until she got with Woody Allen actress Cate Blanchett.


headcaseheidi July 15 2017, 20:02:05 UTC
thank you. i mean, jesus, this is her ~passion project~, not a school book report due in two hours, don't tell me she didn't have time to do more research lmao


civilsavage July 15 2017, 20:29:42 UTC
you know she probably spent more time looking up antebellum-inspired etsy and pinterest pages and running her pasty hands over lovely period garments than reading anything challenging.


imnotasquirrel July 15 2017, 20:39:46 UTC


arielazul_22 July 16 2017, 01:03:30 UTC
fucking this


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