Promo, synopsis and stills for 'Killjoys' 03 x 03 "The Hullen Have Eyes"

Jul 10, 2017 15:00

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After tracing a Black Root ship to a radiation scorched planet, the Killjoys find an abandoned Hullen training camp, creepy inhabitants and a connection to their past.

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canadian celebrities, black celebrities, killjoys (syfy), ashmores, british celebrities, television promo / stills, actor / actress

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Comments 30

queenb727 July 10 2017, 23:02:05 UTC
I hate Delle Seyah and I'm ready for her death. I feel bad for Johnny when he realizes he didn't avenge Pawter.

I really wish we could have gotten the original Clara back. But it it seems the plot to explain the difference ended up feeding into the main season plot pretty well.

Johnny and Dutch! My OTP BFFs! I'm so happy they're back together.


microminiscrew July 11 2017, 03:11:16 UTC
I hate Delle Seyah and I'm ready for her death.

Why do you hate greatness tho? Getwiththewinningteam.gif


nomorefrostbite July 11 2017, 00:33:44 UTC
Kind of sad Ollie isn't her own character, and I love Tommie-Amber Pirie from Bitten so was psyched to see her and hoped she'd last more than these two eps? Even though 100% she and the Hackmods will be back, they DID say they'd be ready to help in the war to come after all.

YASSS DELLEELA!!!!! I made the ship name, Mayko Nguyen Liked it, and so did Michelle! WHICH MEANS IT IS MIGHTY AND THEY MUST RISE.

Bahaha. #Delleela ❤ (check the #Killjoys tag, just retweeted a link to the song someone was kind enough to post. Another @arpixmedia gem!)
- Michelle Lovretta (@lovretta) 8 July 2017


ivy_b July 11 2017, 07:18:33 UTC
You gave name credit for the ship if when it happens!

I mean... If Ollie never gets her memory back, isn't she still in some way her own character? On her end at least. I dunno, it's complicated. I hope the hackmods are back already this season and it's not 'maybe in future seasons' type of thing.


microminiscrew July 11 2017, 03:09:35 UTC

From the minute I saw her name in the opening credits I became every yaaaaaas.gif
I'm so excited suddenly Aneela is an alright lady you're the MVP sis!

Delle Seyah mothafuckin' Kendry is back bitches! Here to fuck up your life!

The rest of the ep was great but yeah


microminiscrew July 11 2017, 03:30:34 UTC
The Ollie-Clara thing was a pretty creative way to recast a role but like others, I wish Ollie was really Ollie or that Johnny hadn't told her or something. I like Ollie.


(The comment has been removed)

microminiscrew July 15 2017, 00:56:08 UTC
I'm really pleased with earning the reputation of DSK groupie. My greatest achievement tbh! I'm so glad you were right :D


microminiscrew July 11 2017, 03:50:23 UTC
Also Viktoria Modesta is a badass and I understand why bts loves her so much. I would love to keep her and Delle as my devious lady inspirations. You know, that character that shows up once a season to stress out the 'good guys'

They don't scrimp on the costume budget because I almost bought the silver shoes she was wearing and they were a good £1000 as I recall. She looked amazing


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