14 Shows That Alienated Their Fan Base

Dec 28, 2016 19:34

14 Shows That Alienated Their Fan Base https://t.co/rg1reSSH7Z (via @PaulDailly1992) pic.twitter.com/rd5f2Ojteq
- TV Fanatic (@TVFanatic) 26 décembre 2016

14. Prison Break
Realistically, how many times can one person escape from prison? Viewers asked themselves that question many a time during the four-season run of the Fox series. It had its great moments, but the concept was just not fit to be told over a long arc. Season 4 was all over the place, with Sara returning from the dead. And now Michael is returning from the dead in a rebooted series next year. Can we all assume the show is supernatural, or something?

12. Revenge
Emily Thorne AKA Amanda Clarke had a revenge plan that went on way too long. What should have been a limited series was dragged out four full seasons. Viewers were tired of it. The whole initiative storyline in Season 2 was only present to drag the main storyline out for longer.

9. Quantico
Quantico has always felt like a show that hailed from Shondaland. It has crazy twists and a whole lot of sex. The thing that seemed to rile the fans up was that the show seemed way too focused on pushing Ryan and Alex as a couple. Ryan is one of those characters that gets monotonous quickly. The back and forth between him and Alex is probably why the show will be cancelled in May.

5. Sleepy Hollow
When you think of the TV adaptation of Sleepy Hollow, you think of Tom Mison’s Ichabod Crane and Nicole Beharies’ Abby Mills. Right?! You can only imagine how shocked fans were when Abby departed the show for good at the end of Season 3. Fans made their voices heard and claimed they would be steering clear of a potential fourth season if the duo was not intact. Fox, surprisingly renewed the show for a fourth season with a new lead to replace Abby. Will it last the season?

3. True Blood
True Blood was always a series that was over the top. Initially, it was about vampires and shapeshifters, but it then started introducing werewolves, fairies and witches. It took what many loved about the show and completely ruined it. It resulted in one of the worst series finales in the history of television. Sookie ending up with neither Bill, or Eric was just pointless and a slap in the face to the fans who stuck with the show.

the rest at the source


true blood (hbo), revenge (abc), sleepy hollow (fox), list, quantico (abc), television
