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dangeronshow December 7 2016, 00:28:33 UTC
my older brother is completely uninterested in fiction in any form. or non-fiction too, tbh. just not interested in narratives. he reads like, sports almanacs and spends a lot of time making excel spreadsheets full of data about shit like ocean tides and rollercoasters. tbh like i know that a lot of people look down on ppl who don't read but i feel like if you are intellectually stimulating yourself in some sort of way who the fuck cares? i have always felt bad for my brother tho bc everyone else in our fam is very book/tv/movie/art oriented and it must be very alienating


turtleisland December 7 2016, 00:30:48 UTC
Aw. Now I feel bad for your brother. But he does seem to read in some way!


decadentvsparse December 7 2016, 00:36:09 UTC
Your brothers spreadsheets sound interesting. What prompts him to make them?

I think my brother has a huge aversion to reading novels and stuff because school + my mom are always forcing him to read. He reads manga but my mom doesn't count it as "real reading" even though manga is... so now he has it in his head he won't be able to enjoy anything without graphics.


dangeronshow December 7 2016, 00:41:54 UTC
he works in urban planning so i think he does a lot of that kind of stuff for his job and he thinks it's interesting so he just applies the same methodologies he uses to organize information to other topics that appeal to him (he used to be a lifeguard so he organizes data about ocean stuff, etc.) it's not something that makes any sense to me but whatever makes him happy! he was always super into math and stuff so it makes sense

wrt ur bro like i understand why schools have to require reading novels because like...it's cultural literacy, u just gotta, but it's really depressing how often that requirement just turns people off of literature forever


imnotasquirrel December 7 2016, 00:44:06 UTC
i'm thankful that high school english classes didn't turn me off reading forever. my teachers just sucked all the life out of everything.

i did end up hating almost all of the books i had to read for those classes though, thanks to them.


tanglespiders December 7 2016, 01:20:28 UTC
I was a bookish kid, but in high school and college, I was the same way. I read like one fiction or non-fiction book a semester outside my required reading, and a ton of comics/manga. After I graduated, I started binging books again, so maybe he'll grow out of it when he doesn't feel like he has to read with literary analysis in mind anymore! Essay-brain can kill reading for fun.


champagnemami December 7 2016, 00:42:33 UTC
I agree.


randommakings December 7 2016, 00:49:24 UTC
Couldn't agree more. Like yeah reading is great but everyone has their own interests, let them enjoy whatever it is they like.


canxi December 7 2016, 01:02:46 UTC
Reading sports almanacs and making spread sheets sounds cool and like he does a lot of research tbh.

As long as the person doesn't bawk at the idea of reading or make fun of people who enjoy it; I don't see a problem.


sugartitty December 7 2016, 10:46:00 UTC
My husband is sort of like this. He never reads fiction. He thinks it's "silly." He does read the occasional biography but most of what he reads is basically engineering text books (he's an engineer). I would die of boredom but he views reading as an exercise in self-improvement and not something one does for pleasure or leisure.


kyokomurasaki December 7 2016, 20:12:52 UTC
Genuine question: is he into tv or movies (or plays?) Most of those are fiction, just in a different medium.


sugartitty December 7 2016, 22:57:17 UTC
Not really. He watches like maybe an hour of TV a week and falls asleep during movies like 80% of the time lol.


michelleantonia December 7 2016, 12:41:49 UTC
I have to apologize for LOLing at excel spreadsheets full of ocean tide and rollercoaster data.

I can't imagine living without any for of narrative art. Hell, just narratives period. Life is stories, ya know?


tangerinefriday December 7 2016, 12:46:12 UTC
He seems really cerebral so yeah I doubt he is missing out mentally, developmentally, etc. at all. Emotionally might be another story, but as long as he's fine with it, society should let him live!


katinthahat December 7 2016, 19:10:36 UTC
See, i feel that research still counts towards reading becuase it IS stimulating.


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