Macklemore on taking his daughter away from screens: I don’t want electronics to be the ‘go-to default’ People Magazine (@people)
December 3, 2016 -Macklemore told People magazine that he & his wife limit their 18 month old daughter Sloane Ava Simone's screen time because, "I don't want to raise my daughter in a world where that is her norm"
-Says his wife, Tricia Davis, "loves the outdoors, she loves hiking and just getting outside and away from screens whether that be the phone or the computer or the television"
-The family lives in Seattle & Macklemore says the North West is "one of the best places in the entire world" to get outdoors
-Over the summer, Macklemore took his daughter camping in his home state of Washington
-Not a huge fan of S'mores & says his daughter is a pescatarian
source Did your parents limit TV time, ONTD?