Celebs react to Trump's racial and religious qualifications for judges

Jun 06, 2016 17:28

John Oliver sums up the whole thing:

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The voice of Sterling Archer sums it up even more succinctly:

It seems so simple. Trump hates Mexicans. Judge is of Mexican heritage. Judge should recuse himself. #TrumpUniversitylacrosseteam
- h. jon benjamin (@HJBenjamin) June 5, 2016

Albert Brooks, William Gibson, Grace Parra, John Fugelsang, Piers Morgan & Talib Kweli under the cut )

comedy / comedian, archer (fx), film director, side eyeing you, religion, latino celebrities, music / musician (rap and hip-hop), politics, donald trump, black celebrities, books / authors, legal / lawsuit, race / racism

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sweeeetnatural June 6 2016, 21:56:43 UTC
Well Susan Serandon ain't shit. The way she was yelling at Dolores Huerta (Presidential Medal of Freedom) just like a white woman would talk to her maid just because Dolores supports Hillary and not bernie


swissbeauty23 June 6 2016, 22:19:12 UTC
yikes Susan...I was rooting for you


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sweeeetnatural June 6 2016, 22:44:47 UTC
So what?
she has the right to vote and support whoever she chooses to. Susan has absolutely no right to get in her face and harass her because Dolores is not for Bernie.

Her tone and attitude as a white woman towards Dolores was alarming.


lostscribbless June 6 2016, 22:59:09 UTC
that in no way means that she can be treated like shit

like it or not Dolores Huerta is extremely important for many latinos, she isn't perfect by any means but that does not give anyone the right to speak to someone in such a humiliating way


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lostscribbless June 6 2016, 23:48:30 UTC
i am an undocumented immigrant and i know what disturbing stance dolores huerta & chavez took on undocumented immigrants when they were campaigning for workers rights like i know what she's about that

with that said i also understand why she is so important for many other latinos in this country & the tone the susan sarandon chose to talk to her with was just flat out rude and belittleing

if she wants to support clinton she can do so thats her choice


coma June 6 2016, 22:45:52 UTC
oh look, a politically dogmatic person
how horrid


coma June 6 2016, 22:49:13 UTC
spoiler: i don't

y'all are so flexible.
pls teach me how to reach


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sweeeetnatural June 6 2016, 23:40:01 UTC
I'm from EL Salvador so come again

also Bernie said he had no idea about politics in Latin America and that he needed to read more about the region, like hello, those are our close neighbors and he feels comfortable saying he doesnt know a lot about Latin America?

youre blindly stanning for Sanders inst any better.


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sweeeetnatural June 6 2016, 23:45:52 UTC
dont feel sad, we all have the right to support who we want.
i live in a blue state that went for Hillary in the primaries by a large margin.

She will win my state whether i vote or not.


ohmylol June 6 2016, 23:45:45 UTC
That was a very stupid thing to say, but it isn't on the same as Hillary's meddling in Honduras, thing that you Hillary stans never adress or just completely forget.


ohmylol June 6 2016, 23:43:20 UTC
Why are you pretending you care about mexicans and latinos in general tho? we all know you are a racist sexist troll, don't neet to pretend otherwhise.


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