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Comments 32

kairoso May 30 2016, 00:17:04 UTC
I love this show, still need to watch season 6 tho. and I'm devastated that his next show Cassius and Clay isn't happening anymore.. :(


lucifer May 30 2016, 00:21:44 UTC
i just finished season 6. omg @ archer assuming lana's parents wanted to have a threesome with him. that was incredible.


(The comment has been removed)

dior_chic May 30 2016, 00:38:30 UTC
Honestly IA. This may tie with season 5 with being my least favorite.

I still like the show but seasons 1-4 were perfect and I feel like the writers aren't on top of their game anymore. I know they wanted to try new things and the agency being called ISIS affected the show but I feel like if it's not broken don't fix it.


pastelstar May 30 2016, 00:58:02 UTC
mte I kept expecting it to pick up and it hasn't and now the season's done ugh


odeeryme May 30 2016, 00:23:20 UTC
I need to catch up with this show but I love it, esp the mansion episodes after their building is shut down


nene718 May 30 2016, 00:30:02 UTC
why such a short season :(


xnerdishh May 30 2016, 00:35:27 UTC
It was renewed for 13 episodes, then for some reason they made it 10 :( I read that maybe it was because the animation budget increased so the network lowered the number to balance the costs out.


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