i think its sweet tbh. still cant believe he died, and of a heroin overdose no less. i read somewhere that ONE THOUSAND people OD'd in some rural town in Ohio last month. so insane
heroin is making such a comeback everywhere, it's scary. there's a super cheap form of it coming over the border from the cartels and it's plaguing small towns in middle America
Also in Maryland. I haven't seen those yet, but I've discussed this subject with quite a few people and it seems like every one of them knows someone who is currently using. It's insane :(
Small towns are hot beds for drug use. Everywhere in the outskirts around here is crawling with meth and I wouldn't be surprised if heroin was now taking it's toll.
The problem still remains that people get clean for awhile. Then when they go back, they go to the dose they used when they were hardened addicts, not knowing that their bodies cannot handle it. So their risk of OD is huge :(
Poverty and boredom tend to play into it, also when there's a culture of drug use, it tends to start rather early in those areas. It's easier to get away with things in the smaller towns because often there's little to no police presence.
I was just looking at that NYT map of the geography-based 40-year-old life expectancy for people who earn under 28K a year in the US, and I noticed that Indiana, western Ohio, and eastern Illinois make up what looks like an epicenter of below-average life expectancy. it occurred to me that drug overdoses probably play some role in that, and as I kept reading I saw this:
Life expectancy for the poor is lowest in a large swath that cuts through the middle of the country, and it appears in pockets in the rest of the country, in places like Nevada. David M. Cutler, a Harvard economist and an author of the paper, calls it the “drug overdose belt,” because the area matches in part a map of where the nation’s opioid epidemic is concentrated.
I'd imagine it's tied into a lot of other factors too, generally speaking, but yeah, opioid addiction is no joke.
i'm in New York and my city is awful with it. so many people have overdosed, and so many people i went to high school with have died from overdose as well it's insane. i'm pretty sure at this point more people from MY graduating class have died than my mothers, and all because of fucking heroin.
The problem still remains that people get clean for awhile. Then when they go back, they go to the dose they used when they were hardened addicts, not knowing that their bodies cannot handle it. So their risk of OD is huge :(
Life expectancy for the poor is lowest in a large swath that cuts through the middle of the country, and it appears in pockets in the rest of the country, in places like Nevada. David M. Cutler, a Harvard economist and an author of the paper, calls it the “drug overdose belt,” because the area matches in part a map of where the nation’s opioid epidemic is concentrated.
I'd imagine it's tied into a lot of other factors too, generally speaking, but yeah, opioid addiction is no joke.
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