twilight!!! haha

Nov 24, 2008 06:53


1. Which book in the series is your favorite? 
Twilight. need i say more?
2. How long did it take you to read the books? 
maximum of three days per book :)
3. Who introduced you to the books? 
Tricia in high school haha
4. Did you buy them, borrow them, or have them given to you as a gift? 
i borrowed Twilight from Tricia, New Moon from Kevin, then i bought Breaking Dawn
5. You are looking forward to? 
Midnight Sun :)
6. What`s your dream ending to the series? 
Bella  dies? haha kidding.


7. Who is your favorite character?
Alice Friggin Cullen haha i love her xD
8. Who`s your favorite vampire?
Alice nga haha
9. Who is your favorite werewolf? 
Either Seth or Jacob aw!
10. What`s one of your favorite quotes from the stories?
"I've never seen someone so prone to life threating idioticy." -Alice Cullen :))

and a whole lot more that i'm too lazy to write haha

11. What was your favorite Bella and Edward moment? 
the meadow scene
12. What was your favorite Bella and Jacob moment? 
the tent scene in Eclipse haha. Edward had to sit and watch Jacob hug Bella to keep her alive.
13. How about your favorite Bella and Alice moment? 
When Alice was fixing Bella up for her wedding.
14. What was your favorite adventure/battle? 
When James had Bella and almost killed her :)) that was fun
15. Which book cover was your favorite? 
Twilight. i love the symbolism
16. Are these books among your favorite books of all? 
yup yup :)


17. Twilight or New Moon? 
18. New Moon or Eclipse? 
19. Eclipse or Twilight?
20. Are you more excited about Breaking Dawn or Midnight Sun? 
Already read Breaking Dawn but only the first chapter of Midnight Sun. I want more!
21. Midnight Sun or the Twilight movie? 
Midnight Sun
22. The Twilight movie or Breaking Dawn? 
Read Breaking Dawn already, so movie!
23. Who do you want to see Bella with most: Edward or Jacob? 
Bella can have Edward, they're prefect for each other.
24. Bella or Jacob? 
25. Edward or Jacob? 
26. Bella or Alice? 
27. Alice or Edward? 
28. Alice or Jacob? 
29. Rosalie or Alice? 
Alice! i'm not so fond of Rosalie
30. Jasper or Alice ? 
31. Jasper or Edward? 
32. Carlisle or Esme? 
33. Emmett or Jasper? 
Jasper fo sho.
34. Emmett or Jacob? 
35. Bella or Rosalie? 
Alice haha
36. Esme or Charlie?
37. Charlie or Carlisle ? 
38. Charlie or Billy? 
39. Jacob or Sam? 
40. Sam or Quil? 
41. Quil or Embry? 
42. Who`s the better villain: James or Victoria? 
43. Werewolves or Vampires? 
Uhhh... Can't pick!


44. How did you first find out about the movie? 
Stephenie Meyer's site.
45. Are you excited? 
thuper duper exthited. 
46. What do you think of the casting so far? 
I wasn't so into the cast at first but now i'm pretty okay with it.
47. Are you going to go see it? 
48. Planning on going with anyone in particular?
49. Do you think it will stay true to the book? 
It's not fully possible but it'd be great if it stays pretty close.


50. Are you planning on buying this book as soon as it`s out?
Had it reserved even before it came out.
51. Do you think Bella will be turned into a vampire finally? 
She is.
52. Do you think she and Edward will get married?
They did.
53. Do you think Jacob might imprint in this book?
54. Who do you think Bella will end up with: Edward or Jacob? 
Um isn't that obvious?
55. Do you think it will be a happy, sad, or shocking ending? 
56. Who do you think will be the villain/s of the book this time? 
57. How would you feel about a possible vampire/werewolf cross? 
Awesome! i'd love to see that.
58. Do you think Charlie will find out Edward is a vampire? 
He did.
59. Will the vampires and werewolves continue the truce they had in Eclipse?
They did, but didn't. haha
60. If anyone, who do you think will die in this book? 
I wish Rosalie did.
61. For a twist: what would you think if Edward was somehow turned human? 
I dunno. that'd be kinda weird.
62. Do you think Jacob will be over Bella by the end of the book? 
He did. 
63. What do you most want to happen in Breaking Dawn? 
Stuff already happened.
64. What`s your dream ending? 
hm...secret. haha


65. In which book did you like Bella`s character best? 
66. How about Edward`s? 
Midnight friggin Sun!
67. Jacob`s?
 Breaking Dawn.
68. Alice`s? 
Breaking Dawn haha
69. If it were possible, who would you most want to meet in person? 
Jasper/Jacob/ Seth Clearwater
70. If there was one thing you would say to Stephenie Meyer, what would it be? 
You are superfabulous! your imagination has no limit! finish Midnight Sun!!! hahaha

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