Notice me [1/?]

Jul 09, 2010 01:34

Title: Notice me

Author: ohnomomo

Pairings: Kyumin, Kihae, Yewook, Zhoury

Chapters: 1/?

Rating: Pg-13

Genre: Romance, angst, fluff

Summary: Sungmin tries to make Kyuhyun open his eyes and finally notice him.

A/N: This fic is in Sungmin’s POV. Also for those who are waiting for “Lie to Protect,” I’ll try to update it soon or you can just kill me xD I hope you like this fic.

Lee Sungmin said:

So who do you like?

Kyuhyun said:

No one, why do you ask?

Lee Sungmin said:

Just curious… wait, no one? You must like someone.

Kyuhyun said:

So I MUST like someone?

Lee Sungmin said:

Yeah. Well tell me, you like the one Heechul paired you up with?

Kyuhyun said:

Ryeowook? Nooooo

Lee Sungmin said:

Then… who do you like?

Kyuhyun said:

umm… Zhoumi.

Lee Sungmin said:

Oh really? Oh wow…

Kyuhyun said:


Lee Sungmin said:

No… nothing…. Bye.

Lee Sungmin is now offline.

I told myself that Kyuhyun was lying, because it was unbelievable that he would like Zhoumi, a 6th grader. Kyuhyun and I are in 10th grade, for your information.

Kyuhyun and I have known since 8th grade. It was sort of weird to have him in 8th grade because he was one year younger than me, meaning that he skipped one grade or I don’t know what happened. Anyways, we became friends that eventually, we became best friends. The problem is that I started to like him in this year, and I don’t know why! He was chubby and nice in 8th grade. In 9th grade, he was losing weight. In the beginning of this year, he grew up like 10 cm more than me all of a sudden. He was no longer the chubby guy, but really tall guy.

He met my best friends, Heechul and Hankyung, later on he befriended with my other friends Leeteuk, Kangin, Shindong, and Siwon. They quickly accepted him into our group, of course who wouldn’t accept him when he’s all cute and basically, he’s the baby of the class.

Now, he grew up not only physically, but mentally also. By mentally I mean that he doesn’t seem to be the innocent one anymore, always comes up with some remarks that people would facepalm themselves or would try to punch him. The only thing that I don’t understand is why he’s after a 6th grader. Oh wait, he can go after 6th grader, he’s barely 15 and probably all the 6th graders are 13, 2 years of difference.

About Ryeowook, it was all thanks to Heechul. Heechul presented Ryeowook to Kyuhyun during recess. In Heechul’s mind, Kyuhyun didn’t like anyone, so he decided to pair Ryeowook and Kyuhyun up as a joke. Hankyung and I wanted to say something about it since Kyuhyun didn’t look comfortable with Ryeowook, but knowing Heechul and his craziness, we didn’t say anything.

“What happened yesterday, Min?” Kyuhyun asked me the next day in the cafeteria. I knew he would ask me sooner or later.

“Nothing, I just… I just felt like saying bye,” I replied, smiling at him like an idiot. That was the worst excuse I have ever said to someone.

“Ummm okay, whatever you say,” said Kyuhyun, glaring me for few seconds. “Anyways, what do you think about Zhoumi?”

“Well, what do you want me to say about him? He’ a 6th grader and you’re a 10th grader.”

“Not that, dummy. I meant… if you think that Zhoumi and I make a cute couple. Tell me the truth.”

“I-I don’t know,” I reply, turning around to not let Kyuhyun see my sad face.

“You know, there’s this guy who follows me everywhere I go, did you notice that?” Kyuhyun asks as he tries to turn me around so he can face me. When he finally turns me around, I smile at him.

“Yes, I have noticed that, isn’t that Jonghyun? I detest him, I swear.”

“Yes, I know that just by looking at how you interact with him during our recess, oh and guess who’s coming to our table right now,” Kyuhyun points towards the stairs that leads to the hallway. I turn around and see this blonde guy running to us like if someone was chasing him behind.

“Hi Kyuhyunnie!" Jonghyun screams, making all my friends from the table who were not paying attention whatsoever turn their heads towards Jong. “How are you? I have to tell you something.”

Okay, what the hell. He didn’t let Kyuhyun speak and… KYUHYUNNIE? What is that? Is that the nickname he put to Kyuhyun!? Oh please, it sounds horrible when he says it. Now I see Jonghyun pulling Kyuhyun out of the table and taking him somewhere far. I see them talk seriously, and then come back to the table. This time, the mood is different from how it was before. Jonghyun wouldn’t talk and keep his head down, while Kyuhyun is simply being Kyuhyun.

When the bell rang, Jonghyun was the first one to leave the table. I have to find out what happened between him and Kyuhyun. So I walked next to Kyuhyun quietly towards our Literature class.

“Kyuhyun, I feel that he likes you,” I tell him when we reach the class which was empty for the moment.

“Actually, that’s what he told me just now,” Kyuhyun said as he put his backpack on the floor.

“So what did you tell him?”

“I just told him that I don’t know, I like someone else.”

“Ummm okay, so I guess he’s giving up on you,” I say with some joy in it. Maybe if he gives up on Kyuhyun, he will stop coming to our table and make our lives peaceful again.

“I hope so.”

When the class ended, Kyuhyun stopped me from going out of the classroom just to tell me something really stupid and sad for me.

“I’ll talk to him today and probably have some luck.”

To be continued.

A/N: Okay, so the thing with ages and grades are messed up but I just had to do it cuz… yeah. Kihae and Yewook will appear later on. Right now, I’m kinda introducing the problem... er yeah.

title: notice me, pairing: kyumin, author: ohnomomo

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