It's The Macro Party!

May 17, 2008 14:01

Quickly, I've put some rules up in the community info. Basically, be nice or I eat your face off. And I looove me some faces. :D

More importantly, it's time to have some fun, so let's throw the first ever:

ohnokripkedidnt MACRO PARTY!!

Don't have a program to make macros? Try ROFLBOT, it is seriously made of awesome! Or even the I CAN HAS CHEEZBURGER? creator!

Also, if you want to make your own ohnokripkedidnt-style On Notice Board? Try the On Notice Board Generator!

Have fun! And BRING US TEH LOLZ!!

(Um, assume there will be FINALE SPOILERS in this post, K?)

mod!, macros

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