(no subject)

Jun 09, 2008 00:59

forgive me if this is not the place, but i have sort of an idea. the mods can respond to this as they wish, even if it's to tell me to get out! ;)

i haven't been on lj in ages (took an extended break a while back), and now that i'm into some more fandoms, realized i wanted to be creative and let my love of tv inspire me. so i'm using this journal now, but hey, i don't really have any friends! and so many people (especially in the spn fandom) are awesome, so it got me thinking.

what if we organize a buddy system/swap of some sort? initially, i was thinking something along the lines of interested members of ohnokripkedidnt being randomly paired up. the idea is to get to know each other better. i know that there are quite a few people who are already good friends, but wouldn't it be awesome if we all got a little more connected over hiatus? it could be a little like secret santa except in june and not secret. we could swap icons or fics or pics or anything, really, and we could pair up more than once.

let me know what you think. if this isn't the right place, maybe we can start something up somewhere else.
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