(no subject)

May 26, 2008 18:51

So the mods unholy triumvirate despots of ohnokripkedidnt caucused* this weekend, and in-between screaming for our lives and butchering songs at karaoke, we decided that the following addition to the rules needed to be made:
    6. There is a rule #6, because Kripke hates the number 6. And it is that this is actually NOT a community to cross-post your fic, unless it is part of a specific challenge set up by the friendly neighborhood power-hungry moderators. If you're looking for a place TO post a fic? I can refer you to this very helpful listing of Livejournal fic communities as found on the SupernaturalWiki.

Sorry if it wasn't clear before, but this is NOT a place to put up links to fic at random. Again, if it's part of a challenge/fest/etc (like the macros, if you wanted to throw up some related icons) that's all well and good. We don't want to turn on moderated posting, because Kripke hates freedom, and we like shoving ours in his face.

So um, this is why your fic posts got deleted. Again, PLEASE check out that link I'm giving you for the CRAZY amounts of LJ communities HUNGRY for your fics!

*Yes I say "caucus" in real life, I'M TIM GUNN, DAMN IT.


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