Intro Post!

May 16, 2008 20:49

Hello and on behalf of regala_electra, ignited and myself, we'd like to welcome you to ohnokripkedidnt!

Ever feel like you've been punched in the gut and dragged through the barbs by some shrimpy little D&D geekboy with too much free time and contempt on his hands? Do you think of Eric Kripke as the kid who used to burn ants with a magnifying glass, or give pigeons Alka-Seltzer? Are you STILL wibbling and gnawing because of the last 5 minutes of the finale?

Well you're in the right place! We're a Supernatural support group for those victims of one Eric "I Hate Bunnies" Kripke. Victims like:

  • Sam Winchester
  • Fangirls
  • Fridays
  • Dean Winchester *sniffle*wibble*sniffle*
  • Babies
  • Rainbows
  • Apple Pie
  • Dead gay interns

Our mission is to help fight against Kripke's evil onslaught of pain by creating happiness such as schmoop and porn for porn's sake! Also we encourage the healing through creating macros and lolz, and big capslocky posts of flail and moaning as Kripke puts us through the wringer.

So spend the hiatus among your fellow fandomers, and lets start the healing by focusing our rage into something positive! Like LOTS OF SCHMOOPY WINCESTY PORN. Or something. [and HET regala_electra adds. Glorious het. With wee Winchester babies if necessary!]

We can't wait to get started! *dramatic pause* Fandom? We've got work to do.

*slams trunk*

Your hiatus support group, ohnokripkedidnt!

Get the code here:">">

Your hiatus support group, !

(upload to your own server if you can, please :D)

Disclaimer: Just like Eric Kripke shows his love by making fangirls scream, we show our pain by making happiness and porn. Which Kripke does not love. Happiness.

Credit for the layout (graphics) goes to ignited! ♥!! Layout codes by minty_peach!

intro post, mod!

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