Beardly Greetings, Internetjits!

Apr 01, 2009 18:44

So that idjit Sam tagged me for that "11 random things about you"-meme. And after I finished calling him an idjit, reminding him about my dead wife and those kids I couldn't save that one time, as well as all the times he's ignored my advice and done something stupid, and those powers of his which are just gonna bite him in the god damn ass and WHY WON'T ANYONE LISTEN TO MEEEEE?? I AM **ALWAYS** RIGHT!

I decided to fill out the meme anyway:

1. My middle name is Cranston. Fuck you, like Aloysius is any better, DEAN.

2. I wear a small top hat underneath my cap. I'm fancy like that.

3. And I have cufflinks under my flannel. See #2.

4. I hate the word "moist"

5. It's correctly spelled, "colour", you idjits.

6. And pronounced "to-mah-to" & "po-tah-to"

7. I hate long walks on the beach, but I tell everyone I love them. And now that I have admitted that, I'm going to have to put on my cookie pants and eat some ring-dings from my shame box while crying.

8. My kitchen floor has a 5 minute rule, my beard has a 15 minute rule.

9. Sometimes I just need a hug.

10. I twitter for Warren Ellis.

11. John Winchester sold both of his idjit boys to me for some magic beans. Still haven't told 'em.

I tag... Dean and that pussy pet angel of his.
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