Life of Pie

Apr 01, 2009 12:07


Dear Diary,

Sam keeps on withdrawing from me so I've been reading his Twilight books, hoping they will give me some insight into what he broods behind those brown-green-blue-hazel-tourmaline eyes-I mean, sunken wet orbs of his.

Will Sam love me again if I tell him he dazzles me frequently? Like, at a rate of I'd say 11 dazzlings per hour, is that enough to win him back? My pie eating fork has been clean for too long. When will I again taste crusty, flaky sweetness of blueberry? Which as you know, is reconciliation-with-my-brother-pie, according to the chart.

Sometimes I dream about Edward watching me while I sleep in a squeaky rocking chair, and then suddenly Edward has bangs and is very tall and lanky and muscley and I just melt into a puddle of goo.  Which also tastes of pie.  So hungry, diary.  I'm so very, very hungry.

Oh diary I wish I had the courage to post you publicly so I could get advice on how to get Sam to hold me like he used to.

Love always,

P.S. Sam if you're reading this and don't bring me pie than you are as cruel and heartless as Edward Cullen was in New Moon!

P.P.S. Led Zeppelin RULES.
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