(no subject)

Dec 31, 2010 13:03

 Tyler was my first crush & kiss. I don't even recall his last name.
Nathan Halperin, from elementary school, was my longest school crush.
Jonny was my most embarrassing and dumbest crush.
Davis Manzoni was my first boyfriend and the first guy to say he liked me, too.
Timothy Harper was the crush that I wouldn't tell people about.
Cody was the one that Danielle got and I was happy I didn't in the end.
Devon was the first guy that stayed up all night with me in person.
Abe was the first "long distance" guy I crushed on and who I first cried over.
Ryan Campbell was the first "long distance" guy I dated and first to make me cry.
Justin Garcia was the first boy my parents knew about and the one that ended with "death".
Richie Vance was the first guy I loved, as well as a year younger, & it was just a crush.
Eric Richards was the first guy that I fell in love with, as well as my longest relationship.
Travis Suminski was the one that I regret not asking out and whose close friendship I miss.
Donovan Goodcourage was the one who is considered family, but I stole his lips for the first time anyways.
Kyle Vance was the one that EVERYBODY knew I had something going on with even though we didn't tell many.
Robbie Gordon was my first crush whose mom scares the shit out of me.
Chris was the longest crush ever, and the first that I cuddled up to all night.
Becky is my first real girlfriend.

This is a majourity, but not all.

I posted this last year and I think the list has doubled. :X

Not going to get into big details, but I am going to name people and what we had.
Also not going to be in order.

Daniel Burns, current crush, very mutual.
Leslie Richardson, mutual crush and almost dated.
Zac Hill, I don't know what it was really, but it lasted a while.
Kyle Vance, yeah, it went further, but we didn't date.
Kalen Poole, dated for like two weeks.
Ellie Matt, my best friend now, let's not go there.
Steven Kish, dated and don't want to get into it.
Corey S, he likes me right now, I sort of like him, I guess.
Daniel Hart, dated. Changed my life. Wasn't even that long.
BJ Brinkey, mutual crush, almost dated once.
Adam Brewington, he almost fell in love with me.
Alex Akers, I am not sure what that was, but it wasn't a relationship.
Brice, complicated as fuck, only a mutual crush.
Dominic, I guess he's always kind of liked me since the summer before Eric and I broke up, I liked him.
Dug Root, to be honest, I sort of liked him when we first started talking.
Frank, let's not go there.
Jake Branch, almost started dating him right before he and Brenda got together.
Malcom Henderson, I liked him for a while, he liked me, but didn't tell me until a month ago.
Mark Horne, we both liked each other, but decided not to date.
Ryan, just no.
Nathan Webb, I don't know.
Ricky, I really need to stop interweb meeting people.
T'Quan Davis, he was damn cute and wonderful.
Mike G, liked him a little.
Troy Sebast-whatever, we has a thing, I guess.

So yeahhh. It definitely doubled.
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