self help: overcome pee shyness

Mar 24, 2005 16:33

i feel it is my duty to share the following information with my brothers in the world suffering from pee shyness syndrome (herein pss).

there are many little tricks you learn in life that make day-to-day living in our crazy world a little easier. usually you learn these things from parents, friends or simply as part of growing up. unfortunately some things aren't talked about much in our society and are therefore very difficult to learn becaues you must find your own path, even though many people have had to solve the same problem before. because i am an engineer that believes strongly in reusability and never reinventing the wheel, i would like to share my wisdom in this matter.

i used to suffer from pss. when i would go to the bathroom i would have to take a stall if anyone else was at the urinal, even two urinals away. even using the bathroom with my significant-other was impossible. sometimes my shame was so bad that i would use a stall and sit and pretend i had to lay some cable so people wouldn't think i was too scared to pee next to them. those "man troughs" were right out of the question (and still are but for a totally different reason). but i was able to beat my pss, and you can too.

pss stems from lack of confidence. i'll leave it to someone else to research the ties between pss and other behaviors resulting from overall confidence problems. and perhaps you can beat pss through other confidence building exercises or perhaps by beating your pss with the instructions here you will become more confident in other ways. who knows. what i know is that to beat your pss you simply need to build your confidence in peeing next to another man. but how? how can you get that crucial handful of successful peeing-next-to-someone-else experiences that will give you the confidence you need to overcome pss?

first you need a venue. the venue must have a fairly frequently used restroom and access to non-alcoholic beverages. i used my workplace as my venue but coffee shops or even bars will work. just make sure that if you choose a bar that you drink only non-alcoholic beverages or you may consciously (or unconsciously) associate your peeing successes with the inhibition reducing effects of liquor. water works best but soda, coffee, fruit juice, or just about anything will do. once you have chosen your venue you need to go there and start drinking.

drink a glass of fluid. wait about 5 minutes. drink another glass and wait again. then another. do this a few times and in a few minutes you will start to feel the need to urinate. don't. keep drinking and waiting. wait until you have to pee really really badly. not so bad that you are about to piss yourself, but bad enough that you could piss in a roomful of men pointing and laughing at you. the level of need to pee varies from person to person but i had chronic pss and i can tell you that there is a point for all men where nature kicks in. when you have reached a point of urinary desperation, go to the bathroom. and by "go" i mean go in. if someone is at a stall, great. if not you will have to take a deep breath, wash your hands and leave. if you can sit somewhere near the restroom without looking too obvious that is best. timing is key here. if no one goes in and you have to go NOW, then go ahead and go and repeat the whole process in a few hours or maybe the next day. at work i never had to wait for long. when the timing is right (don't be too obvious about what you are doing or you will freak people out) step into the stall right next to your unwitting assistant and enjoy a wonderful release. feel your confidence build. you may have to repeat this process a few times. it took me probably half a dozen times before i had the confidence to pee next to someone on a whim but i promise that if you use the method described here in time you will be able to urinate into a man-trough next to your boss while talking about the big game.

and that is how you do it. don't let another day go by where you take a stall because some other guy happened to beat you to the urinals. you too can have the confidence to pee next to strangers. you too can play "don't cross the streams" with your boyfriend (if you are gay) or gross out your girlfriend by taking a piss while she's in the bath.

and i'll add that as a side benefit of this exercise you will have a very controlled bladder. amaze your friends by going for hours without urinating!

coming soon: how to shave without looking like a burn victim


pss : pee shyness syndrome, a terrible disorder suffered by thousands of men.

man-trough : a long trough-like urinal bowl used in very low-scale restrooms that provides no separation at all between users. usually found in trashy bars filled with ice (who knows why).

lay cable : going #2

"don't cross the streams" : a game usually played by 12 year olds consisting of urinating with another man into the same toilet while trying to not cross the urination streams.
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