May 19, 2013 05:32
He hit me in the face with a bottle. Plastic, but the cap hit my eye. He hit me in the fucking face with a fucking bottle....
I don't know who he is, and I'm not sure I want to know. That's not a friend, not a lover.. He hit me in the face with a bottle........
can't call you. You can't know........ all my dirty little secrets are already your dirty laundry.
I got away from my father who had me shaking in my boots, afraid of some mental abuse for simply saying "I don't like water" or sharing with him the information on volcanoes and that volcanoes do not need to be on a fault line to form it's just much easier for the to form there. I gave him a full geological answer, and he said I was wrong, so I looked on wikipedia and read it to him and he then said "so there are a couple of exceptions" and I went "whatever, dad" exasperated and done with his being him and he then proceeded to tell me I had ruined vacation...
but I come home
to this....
to feeling somewhat scared. Knowing anything I say can and will be held against me. You're yelling, you're screaming, saying all the hurtful things while in the same breath telling me I'm the cause of it all.
Well fuck
you both.
Just fuck you both. Why do you think it's okay to treat me like a second class citizen?