Oct 08, 2005 11:10
my left shoulder has been twitching continuously for over an hour. it's driving me insane.
only the beginning of october and i've already gotten sick. maybe if i rip my entire nose off i wouldn't get sinus infections at the change of every season. my mom ordered these all-natural vitamins from this ritzy all-natural company called melalueca. she wants the three of us to take vitamins daily from now on. i agreed. she neglected to tell me that there were 10 FUCKING VITAMINS TO TAKE DAY AND NIGHT. i've been popping them in my mouth before i go to class each morning.. the kids in the parking lot probably think i have some crazy ass disease that forces me to take so many pills.
school has been going alright. it seems like i have atleast one exam or paper due each week. i'm taking 15 credits this semester, as opposed to 19 last semester. so, why do i feel more swamped with work this year? whatever. i ordered my class ring. 5 years in this institution.. i deserve one. as much money as i fork out to towson each year, i think they should give us a class ring. bastards.
study abroad is a go. i applied for the study abroad trip to italy, but got on the waiting list. the dude said it would be highly unlikely that i got to go. soo... i withdrew my application for italy and turned in one for england. heather did, too. i know i will be a ball of nerves when january gets near, but i'm also really excited. here's hoping we will run into the little buckingham princes.
update: my should is still twitching.