Check this out! American Hitler is on the way! Hmm maybe it's a good thing? We'll see.

Jun 15, 2005 02:48

New Bill Could Make Bush President For Life ( Read more... )

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Re: HHhhhhmmmm.. anonymous June 16 2005, 08:22:33 UTC
Ya know I had planned to stay well away from this ongoing debate between Weaselboy and Ricky. Though I know you both fairly well I decided not to choose a side. But after reading what both sides has to offer I have come to the realization that Ricky is a hypocritacal idiot! No don't get me wrong the motivation behind my comment is not fueled by the Bush bashing, I think Bush is not the best president in the the history of presidents in some cases, but when you think about it, there is no real great president. Oh I know I know some people are going to reply to this naming some many great presidents that they can think of. But there will always be one person out there that will disagree. Like in this case, many people dislike Bush yet is is our president agian. As I said before it is not the Bush bashing that angers me, it is hard core sad religous fanatics that say they believe in one thing than preach another. You don't believe me. Ricky you say that you are a soldier of Christ or what not and that you belive in God and follow the bible. Okay fine but its pretty low of someone to beleive in god, and than wish death upon some one as you expressed in a previous post. Another thing, why in hell do you have to mention Hitler in every god damn post. Now this bothers me coming from a guy who wants to lead a church group. What is are you gonna call your youth group a youth camp soon too? You use a hitler a man who was known for exterminating what like 6 million people just because he had a difference in opinon when it came to religon. Now I'm sure your going to attack me with a some history Rick, but just so you know I read too so for the sake of me putting you in your place, don't try. So hhhmm..... a guy who claims he beieves in a god that is supposed to be all forgiving, and says love everyone as you do yourself, and than to wish death upon some one for the sack of difference in a political opinon and use the one of many leaders who stood agianst this belif as if they co-inside is bullshit! Now before you start whinning about how I am only picking on you and not weaselboy think about this. Unlike weaselboy you from the start have used goose steppin loser, that you have a woody over as a basic, well almost icon of your beliefs towards Bush. Now Rick I have a question for you, if socialisum is possibly the way to according to you, why the hell didn't it last for years to come? If you are really this displeased with our government, than spare us from your kindergarden hissy fitt and move to Canada, or move down south with all the other cousin banging rednecks and join the KKK, since you believe you can hate and wish for death upon others, but oh wait wait I forgot its alright right, since you read the bible and go to church right?


Re: HHhhhhmmmm.. weaselboy13 June 16 2005, 08:38:58 UTC
Wow, I'm officially confused. Do I know you, or you know me either personally, through the internet, or by reputation? Eer, well, I'm assuming you know me ('cause, you know, you said so ;)), but I really can't think of who this might be.


Re: Oh I'm not done! anonymous June 16 2005, 09:01:13 UTC
Its one thing to say something and do another. I myself do not have the same beleifs as you do when it comes to your faith. But it makes me sick to my stomach that someone that has said in person your passion of your faith and yet express such hatered and idolize such a hatefull man that exterminated people that believe in the same god as you believe in. And I know I know, Jews don't believe in Jesus right? Well was it not Jews who converted to Christianity? Oh and I know I know, no ones perfect right? Well that is a childish response. Of course no one is perfect, but that does not mean you can not make an effort to atleast try and become a better person. Now as I said before, everyone is intitled to their own opinon. You expressed your opinion just as weaselboy did and as I am doing right now. And with that having been said I would like to leave this post with four things I recomend. 1. If your going to have an opinion about something especially in politics and express your opinion do some research on it before you open your mouth not after! 2. If your going to use your religous beliefs towards the situation take a good look at what you are saying. You express such hatered behind a religon that tells you to love others even........ even ricky "your enemies!" You say you want to preach your faith and share your love of God, when you can only express hatred towards another human being and mention a man that didn't give a shit about man kind! 3. If your gonna pick a fight with weaselboy in a verbal debate, you better do some damn research before picking a fight, cause it is as pointless as putting out a fire with gasoline! Weaselboy was reading about politics when you were still trying to color inside the lines. 4. In my opinon your beliefs are twisted and make as much sense as a pig flying. I think you are just using your faith as a diversion to only help display your hatered. Think I'm wrong? Re-read your posts. In other words when you have a thought, unless it has to do with sports or a video game, shut the fuck up. Now seeing how I never really post to really anyone, and rarley ever have the time or patience to read ones post, I will not read what you will most likely poste towards me. I leave that for weaselboy to finish off. Oh but remember Ricky its just my opinon just like you expressing your love for God and trying to spread your faith while porading around expressing your hatred towards a human being and in your opinon should be taking care of by killing him and while usuing a man that represented what you clearly believe as a great metaphor towards either a problem or.... a solution???? In short I hope you read this and realize how much of what you say makes no god damn since!


Re: Oh I'm not done! izu3000 June 16 2005, 19:59:33 UTC
umm, please dont take this the wrong way anonymus poster but please use commas and or periods. I had to read your sentences a couple times to keep what you were saying in order.


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