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Aug 23, 2007 11:57

Name: Kanako Ohno
Age: 19
Birthday: July 14th
Height: Average height, nothing special here
Blood type: O
Eyes: Black
Hair: Long, black and straight
Favorite manga: The Silent Mass
Favorite anime: Mobile Suits A Gangaru
Favorite video game: Samurai Spirit (original version)
Physical traits: Most notable would be her extremely big boobs, and then she has two beauty marks on the left side of her face. One by the corner of her eye, and one at the corner of her mouth.
Okay/not okay to mention: Anything basically. Depending on what it is she may yell, but she won't physically assault you more than a slap at most.
Abilities: Cosplay, making gundam models (Gufu only)
Notes for the psychics: Cosplay, making Ogiue cosplay, bald headed cool guys, cosplay.
Can I shapeshift/bodyswap/spit at/step on/etc?: sure, just contact me first~!
Kissing/Hugging: Go for it, but if she doesn't know you, depending on who you are, she may scream and spaz at you.
Maim/Murder/Death: No pleaseeee.
Cooking: She's an okay cook, nothing great, but she can do that basics.

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