Title: Innocent Deception
Pairing: TegoMasu
Genre: Romance
Disclaimer: purely fiction
Summary: Massu is a wealthy businessman who had just acquired a restaurant about to be closed down. Yuya is an heir to his daddy’s fortune. . . . . .It only took one chance, one meeting, where Yuya caught Massu’s interest with his impetuousness, not to mention his sexiness. Massu made Yuya want to break the rules, to flirt with the danger in his eyes - Yuya wondered if challenging the handsome restaurant owner would get him kissed or kicked out. Sparks started flying from the first time that they met, but bitter past experiences had taught them both that people might want more than their love.
Yuya’s family’s wealth had cushioned his life, and his friends had protected him from faithless lovers. . . . . . The more Massu learned about Yuya, the more he wanted to know, but his mysterious Yuya kept too many secrets. . . . . . Could Yuya trust him?
A/N - credit to
shingung for beta
Previous: ||
Chapter 1|| ||
Chapter 2|| ||
Chapter 3|| ||
Chapter 4|| ||
Chapter 5|| ||
Chapter 6|| ||
Chapter 7||
Chapter 8 (part 1)
Yuya’s preoccupied with scoping out various piles of junks and treasures. Sunday mornings at the flea market is like an addiction to him, and though he made a pretense of being an amiable company, it is obvious that his real efforts are directed to shopping.
He never grows up, YamaPi thought. And although he knew the hopelessness of trying to attract Yuya’s attention during these times, he still thought it was worth a try. He cleared his throat and said, “I made a couple of calls about Massu.”
“Say what?” Yuya said sharply, his head jerking up from the paperweights on the display table to look at YamaPi. “Did you say something about Massu?”
YamaPi grinned. “I said I made a couple of calls,” he repeated, purposely keeping his voice mild.
“And nothing - so far the man is clean.”
“I knew that,” Yuya said quickly, blushing because he was telling a fib. He sighed and led the way down the aisle toward the food vendors. He bought himself a café latte and a cappuccino for YamaPi. Over their drinks, he recounted the incident at the restaurant.
“I guess I feel pretty bad for jumping to conclusion.”
“You should not feel like a jerk,” YamaPi said, rephrasing Yuya’s words in such a way that Yuya wondered whose side he was on. “On the other hand, you could have just avoided talking about business.”
“I think that’s the plan from now on.” Yuya said, checking his time because he didn’t want to get behind schedule. It’s only ten o’clock. He still has time for a second look inside. “In the meantime, I’d appreciate if you could get some answers before I go out of my mind.”
“It will have to wait till day after tomorrow,” YamaPi said. “The guy I need to talk to is on vacation until then.”
“So does that mean that you don’t have anything else to do?” Yuya said, arching his eyebrow.
“It means I don’t have time to watch you look through all the fascinating stuff out here today.” YamaPi said, then squeezed Yuya’s hand and sauntered away.
Yuya wished he had asked YamaPi outright if Ryo’s on his agenda today. But he knew YamaPi will only tell him if he wants to. Sighing, he went back inside. Quickly, he made a run-through on all the items in the new arrivals area. After about an hour, he was finished shopping. He was about to leave when his gaze fell on a collection of coats and scarves.
He was paying for a silk scarf when he heard a voice behind him. “YamaPi told me you’d be here but I didn’t believe him.”
Startled, and a little miffed because he was always sneaking up on him,. Yuya slowly turned to Massu. “What is this thing you have about sneaking up on me?” he asked.
“I did not. You just weren’t paying attention. I’ve been following you for the last ten minutes.” Massu said.
Yuya shrugged defensively. “I guess I get a little carried away when I’m here.”
“YamaPi said if you don’t get your weekly fix of bargain-hunting, you’re impossible to live with.” Massu smiled. Before Yuya could think of a reply, he continued. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
“I think I’ve pointed out before that YamaPi talks too much,” Yuya said. It took him less than five minutes to notice that Massu doesn’t have a flea market personality.
“Was it love at first sight?” Massu asked on their way to the parking lot.
Yuya stumbled and would have fallen had Massu not grabbed his arm. He shook his head. Suspecting there was something wrong with his ears. He asked Massu to repeat his question.
“The flea market,” Massu explained with a teasing smile. “Did you love it that much the first time you shopped, or is it a general addiction?”
Yuya’s thudding heart didn’t slow down with the clarification. He had almost said Yes and he hadn’t realized it till now. He loves Massu, maybe it was love at first sight, or second, but one thing’s sure, he loves the man.
“Yes, I love it.” he giggled, happy about his discovery.
Massu smiled and put his arm around Yuya’s shoulder. Yuya’s tired from shopping and it was a good excuse to hold him. He kept him to his side all the way to Yuya’s car.
Yuya shoved his purchases behind the front seat with the rest of the things he had bought that day, and then turned to face Massu. He knew he was grinning like an idiot but didn’t really care. “Will you spend the day with me?”
“You don’t have to work?”
“It’s Sunday, Suzuna can take care of the gallery. I’m the owner remember? I can take a day off once in a while.” Yuya said, silently praying that Massu will say yes. “What about you? Don’t you need to be at the restaurant?”
“Koyama said I need some fresh air.” Massu shrugged.
“So you came here? Are you buying something?” Yuya said and leaned back against the car to study Massu’s face.
“I came to find you.” Massu corrected, dipping his head to brush Yuya’s lips with his. His heart thudded when Yuya cried out as he pulled away, so he bent his head back for more, thrusting his tongue deep inside Yuya’s mouth until his cries are silenced.
After a few seconds, he distanced himself again and Yuya couldn’t help the reflex that carried his fingers to his lips. “I like the way you kiss me,” he said and blushed beet-red when a couple of passersby laughed. He knew they had overheard what he said.
“We need to go somewhere else,” Massu said roughly and pushed Yuya into his car. “I’ll meet you at the houseboat,” he said and went to his own car.
Yuya watched him go, waiting for his breathing to return to normal before starting the car. Remembering his earlier discovery, he decided to tell Massu about Sakura and Joey, and the reason he had acted like a fool the previous night. Later, when he’s got the nerve, he’ll also tell him about love at first sight and how he had never believed in it before.
“This is where we keep Yuya’s paintings,” YamaPi said, stepping aside at the doorway to the study so Massu could get a full view.
Massu took a deep breath and prepared himself to say something like -- they’re not nearly as bad as I expected - or - interesting, if you like that sort of thing - but that was before YamaPi opened the door and he has taken a good look at them.
They were awful -- absolutely dreadful. His eyes darted from one painting to the next and all he could say was, “He really can’t paint, can he?” he said
“Pretty amazing, aren’t they?” YamaPi said, chuckling and guided Massu to the laundry room, where they keep the really bad ones.
Massu had expected some sort of modern art that just didn’t appeal to YamaPi and Koyama, but all he saw were landscapes which looked as though Yuya couldn’t have had more than an hour or so of practice. It was as though Yuya had no affinity for the medium. He wondered where Yuya got the nerve to display his works.
“Does he like them?” he asked.
“Of course not,” YamaPi said quickly. “He just likes being reminded that he may be bad at the actual act but he’s good at spotting talent and is at selling them.”
“Very successful,” Yuya’s voice rang in the hallway.
They turned as Yuya came into view, dressed in a pair of denims and a sleeveless pink shirt.
“I’d think all a person has to do was look at the gallery to know how good you are at it.” Massu said, flashing a smile as he spotted the lilac rimmed glasses stuck over Yuya’s head.
Yuya wrinkled his nose at YamaPi and held one of Massu’s hands and led him out of the room. “Did you have anything in mind for this afternoon?” he asked.
Massu mumbled a few words that Yuya didn’t understand. Instead of asking him to repeat what he said, he gave his own suggestion.
“I thought it would be a perfect for the fossil beach.”
“The fossil beach?” Massu asked, wondering if there’s such a beach around the area.
They had dinner on the balcony of an inn Yuya frequented and watched the sunset at the beach. Massu talked about his family, how his father traded on his carpentry skills, until it seemed everyone in the family was somehow involved in a booming construction business.
He told Yuya about his ex-wife, not in details, but just enough information to let him now he was married and it was over two years ago. He left out the part about how he had married Kana without knowing that she had only wanted his money. Though it didn’t bother him anymore as much as it did in the past - except the bit about how Kana had hired an investigator to find out all about him and his money after their first date. Kana had taunted him about it when he asked her for a divorce.
He pushed aside the harsh memories. He’s with Yuya now, and he had nothing at all to do with the anger he had felt at the invasion of his privacy, at the private investigator and Kana digging in about his life. It was over and the divorce settlement he gave Kana appropriately showed his anger at her mercenary tactics.
Now it’s Yuya’s turn to talk about himself and Massu listened. It was easy for Yuya to tell him about his mother’s death at a young age and of his father that sometimes drove him mad with his pampering. He talked about his sister Sakura and what she’s doing to get her life back. He excluded the part about Joey. He decided he can tell it later. He left the part about the family money and YamaPi’s job. The atmosphere was too good for that.
And besides, he didn’t want to take the chance of Massu wanting to know more. It’s not among his plans for the night. Tonight he wanted to know if making love with Massu would be as dazzling as he had imagined it would be.
After dinner, they returned to the ocean, descending the cliff by passing through its steep steps until they’re back in the sands again, their bare feet making a trail easily distinguishable in the light of the moon.
Yuya was nervous, Massu felt it. In the silence that followed after dinner, he had known the moment Yuya realized the barrier is no longer between them. He is no longer a stranger to him.)
They found a quiet cover hidden beneath the cliff. There, Yuya chased the waves, running when they turned on him. Back and forth, he challenged the ocean, sometimes whining, sometimes not.
Massu watched Yuya from his perch on a nearby boulder. He was tempted to join him, to share in his laughter as he played in the sand. But it was better this way, watching him, savoring the picture he made in the muted light.
Yuya paused at the water’s edge, reaching down to pluck something from the sand. A shallow wave kissed his feet, and he washed the object in the water before straightening. “It’s a shell”, he said, sprinting to Massu’s rock, holding it for him to praise. “And it’s perfect.”
“It’s so small,” Massu said. “Smaller than the others I saw earlier in your collection.” He wanted a closer look, or so he told himself. He wrapped his fingers around Yuya’s wrist and lifted his hand closer to his face. It was as perfect as Yuya had said, and he shared with him the thrill of discovery.
“It’s special,” Yuya whispered, his eyes shining up at Massu.
“You’re special,” Massu whispered back. He lowered his head and pressed his lips to Yuya’s fingers. Yuya trembled. The tiny shell seemed to be in danger of falling so Massu took it and slipped it into his pocket before drawing Yuya close.
Yuya felt himself being pulled into Massu’s warmth, and went willingly. Massu shifted a little. Yuya slid between his thighs, and leaned sideways into the body that cushioned him from the jagged edge of the rock. Massu’s arms encircled him, hands linking at his hips, a gentle embrace that was totally at odds with wild thumping of their hearts. Yuya’s hands rested on Massu’s arms, his back against the other, and when he dropped his head against Massu’s shoulder, he could feel the tension in him.
It’s another long chappie hehehe . . . . . .
(click here for part 2)