Title: Innocent Deception
Pairing: TegoMasu
Genre: Romance
Disclaimer: purely fiction
Summary: Massu is a wealthy businessman who had just acquired a restaurant about to be closed down. Yuya is an heir to his daddy’s fortune. . . . . .It only took one chance, one meeting, where Yuya caught Massu’s interest with his impetuousness, not
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& both the Joey guy and Massu's ex-wife were after money, right ? if Massu and Tegoshi knew about their respective stories, maybe their bond would be stronger, ne
(oh and thank you for the small ryopi moment at the beginning *happy*)
Anyway, thanks for sharing this ! =)
you're welcome .... there'll be more glimpses of the RyoPi moment as we move along with the story...
thanks much for keeping up :)
actually i'm reading the other tegomassu fic you just posted XD
fortunately, nishikato(<3)were there to help them make up with each other ne.
thanks again for sharing =D
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