Jul 21, 2012 00:09
I know where I was at about 11:45am in Gallup Tuesday morning April 20th, 1999 when I first heard some wildly inaccurate claims about Columbine. I was told by a lawyer that some gay rights activists killed 25 kids. That day hit home to me for a lot of reasons. So waking up this morning to hear about a tragedy at a place I could have been at if I wasn't an exhausted parent wasn't my best choice of ways to start my day and my heart goes out to all those affected in Aurora... 12 miles from Columbine High.
However, I am extremely tired of the knee jerk polarization about 2nd Amendment issues today. An individual with concealed carry permit and weapon in a very dark theater with smoke grenades concelling the exits, and the shooter, with people panicking and dashing about means the concealed carry person would have a 299 in 1 chance of hitting the wrong person. The worst gun violence by a single person was that guy in Norway last year, where its near impossible for an individual to get a handgun. Today was a tragedy and no gun legislation, either anti or pro, would have stopped it.