(no subject)

Oct 16, 2005 17:11

Last night was my very first & last HOMECOMING!
i had a fricken blast.

first off, me, danielle, and chris went to the hair salon. got our hairrr did.
got my stuff from my house & went to danielles to get ready.
she did my make up, we picked up our corsages. they were really pretty & had glitter all over them & they all matched!.. then waited for shell.
my mom came over danielles & we took pictures.
then went to shells dads for pictures

We danced for three hours straight.
with like 2 breaks for a drink & the bathroom.
while shell was getting court pictures, me, jess, & darnelle went and danced with black boys!
we basically just danced with everyone.
i had some creepy black boy grinding on me, and thank god sam & shannon were walking by, otherways i probably would have died.
But in conclusion, the dance was A LOT of fun.
i didnt know i could dance like that. lmfao.

after, we took pics with mattison.
stole balloons, then went out to eat.
we went to Texas Road house & i got Chicken Critters.
we were so tired we could barely eat.

went back to danielles & changed.
went to Kevins party.
it was alright, i was cold & didnt know very many people.
but it was fun mingling & hanging out with lyssa dee steph and sanner.

went back to danielles and passed out.

our moms went camera crazy!--

i didnt want to bring my camera inside..
i was afraid it would get stolen.
and im glad i didnt. because a bunch of people were missing money.
so those are all the pictures i have, but shells got more.

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