Now that I have a list of eye doctors to choose from, I'm bracing myself for the very real possibility that I will need glasses.
Bracing my (rather squinty) self because so far all of the glasses I've ever playfully tried on have not complimented my face at all. I'm hoping that maybe something along the lines of these will prove to be flattering and fun:
[top from, good grief, gofugyourself; bottom from Bust]
In fact, I actually became excited about sporting eyewear after seeing those vintage frames. Just have to keep it fresh to avoid unintended frump...
And in other news (cat news, that is), Sofie the cat jumped into the bath tub this morning just after I had pulled the plug.
I couldn't believe it; she had been inspecting the water level and depleted bubbleforms from the side of the tub before she jumped in, too. All along I've joked to C. that she'd pull a curiosity-fueled stunt like this (as soon as someone leaves the bathroom after showering she races into the room and hops into the tub, losing no time to inspect water droplets making their way into the drain).
The little kitten's reaction was no different than what any other reasonable cat's would have been, however, as she panicked and looked rather piqued afterward, allowing me to towel her off for all of five seconds before she had had enough. She hid for the next fifteen minutes, giving herself a proper bath by tongue, while I fretted that she would catch a cold due to our drafty apartment (this place wasn't built to keep residents warm from temperatures dipping below freezing!). She jumped up on my lap a little while later, probably because she was pooped from her first and only swimming lesson, and for my body warmth as well. Poor silly!
Sofie, pre-"bath"
Charles had fun tucking them under cafe au lait covers this morning.