Jan 11, 2012 22:28
a long time since i returned from MM, and an even longer time since i ord-ed. have been overwhelmed by this insane sense of nostalgia. MM reminded me so much about what secondary school life was all about. we were once innocent 'little shits' (hehe tll lol) and i was senseless enough to consider applying to teach in ri. not sure if this is an irrational decision. but certainly, i entertained the thought (very strongly) of dropping everything and going to china AGAIN.
really have no idea what i want in my life.
looking at the sec 2s also made me think about bits of childhood that i missed out on, and how thankful i was to 2L and the assortment of secondary school friends i had for giving me the time of my life. you know, people never understood why i broke down in class so often in pri school (and early sec school) whenever i got my results back. to would-be parents in the future, please never ever give your children impossible dreams to chase. i remember how my parents couldn't talk me out of my desire to own gameboys, mp3 players and playstations (they were good parents, bought me all the books i wanted). so instead, they tagged impossible goals to rewards, like how i was supposed to score 100 marks for chinese + maths + english + science in my p3 eoy in order to get a gameboy colour. little wonder why my class was confronted with this strange kid who shed tears of disappointment when he scored full marks for everything and 98 for chinese (still remember the zao ju that caused me to lose the 2 marks). this also explains why scores of ipods, blackberries and other gadgets, i cherish my sec 2 obtained creative zen player.