ya? :)

Jun 22, 2009 16:14

as a YouTube addict and Seoulbeats reader, I have been contemplating for a while the possibility of adding videos to my repertoire. I already have a Youtube channel, but thus far they are mostly some edits of TV shows or music videos, or some fanlyrics, etc....am I ready to show my *gasp* FACE to the world wide web? expose myself to the big scary internets??

what do you guys think? should I go Ellie's route on Seoulbeats and start posting occasional videos in addition to blogging?
would you guys watch my videos? lol

ps: you'll also get to see whether I really do look like Sohee as I say :) my guess is you'll be disappointed. she looks more like me than I look like her, kwim? plus it depends heavily on the angle, and my webcam rarely makes me look like her haha

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