UPDATE 2: download Sorry Sorry
here :DDDD I haven't listened yet
UPDATE: new info ~ Yunho and Yoochun will be rapping on a song featuring KRY vocals (WHY??? I was so excited when I saw KRY, why must the yunchun rapping ruin it -_- hey I love yunho, but he can't rap for beans), and Lee Yeon Hee will be in a song too :D my first Korean girlcrush hehehe ♥
I think it's really funny that Suju's 3rd album will be "Sorry, Sorry" after "Don, Don". haha. anyone else? If we imagine it's actually don't, don't...then sorry, sorry...my bets on the next one to be like "Okay, okay" or "Fine, fine, FINEEEE!!!!!"
ok. my stupidity aside
It doesn't matter HOW OLD Suju gets. They are never ever ever allowed to try sexy concepts. Is that a joke? This is friggin Suju we're talking about! wtf is this
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The song sounds SO MUCH like a bunch of other songs. I'm trying to remember. But it reminds me of a lot. hmm. Quite catchy though. I'm just dreading the week of it being stuck in my head :(
And I love how when aesthetic is concerned, they have Siwon standing more forward than everyone else, and the only one wearing white. haha. Subtle emphasis :) He's almost good-looking enough to make up for Shindong's annoyingness. Almost.
The choreographer is gonna be someone who worked with JT and Ne-Yo, Nick Bass.
Aww, I love me some Eun-hae ♥
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