negative two.

Apr 20, 2008 15:12

I wondered who was the patron saint of little provincial girls who came to Mélusine without no more brains in 'em than a chickadee.
-Mélusine, Sarah Monette

⚭ romantic love | ⚯ platonic love | ☄ friend | ☍ foe | ⵒ ginger brigade | ⚘ innocent | ☋ hocus | ⵛ flash | ⨕ lower class | ೲ trustworthy

Kay Eaton; Roommate

Kay is the first person Mildmay physically met in Luceti, and she found Jashuki for him so Mildmay will ever be eternally grateful. And, better! She is nice to him, despite being, as far as Mildmay is concerned, an academic. As such, Mildmay will forever value her company. He trusts her, maybe not entirely, not completely, not a lot, but he does... which is a new sensation that he deals with by making sauerkraut sandwiches and trying not to think about it too much.

☄☄☄ | ೲ | ⨕ | ⵒ

Anne Shirley; Acquaintance?????

Mildmay generally doesn't care if he curses up a blue streak! But something about how Anne acts makes Mildmay feel terribly guilty about accidentally exposing her to such rougheshness. As such, he tries-- with varying degrees of success-- to edit himself. Mildmay has this weird obsession with cultivating and maintaining innocence in the innocent as he perceives it, and Anne is very obviously innocent (by Mildmay's standards, at least). He really cannot say no.

⚘⚘⚘| ☄☄ | ⵒ

Cpt Jack Sparrow; Fellow Human

Mildmay doesn't understand Jack at all, doesn't trust him, and doesn't know what to do with him. Mildmay is observant, but there's only so much you can get from a man like Sparrow; as far as he can tell, Jack is: a huge troll, annoyingly talkative, flamboyant, annoying, confusing, but altogether harmless. He exists on a weird intersection of class for Mildmay that he cannot really explain and does not notice on a conscious level, though that informs his judgement of Jack hugely.


Helios Sprensonne; Fucking Hocus

Finish this when the event/aftermath is over, but FOR RIGHT NOW BASICALLY Kethe, Mildmay would be so much more comfortable with Helios is 1) he didn't seem like he was into blood magic 2) he was a nature witch. Look, okay, Mildmay is doing his best to ignore the fact that Helios reminds him of Zephyr! He shouldn't, because Helios and Zephyr have nothing in common! It's just the fact that Helios is probably one of the only nice, generally nice and convivial wizards Mildmay's ever met, aside from Zephyr and his poor apprentice. And so Mildmay's doing his best to ignore all that, because, as he'd say, it ain't the kinda shit you bring up at parties.

☋ | ☄ | ⵛ

Jilly Coppercorn; Lady Person

Finish this when they've had more proper CR (event / aftermath), but for right now: Another innocent person! Innocent people make Mildmay feel weird! He constantly feels especially weird around Jilly because she's really nice to him, for no reason. He'd half suspect she's trying to get something out of him, but "there ain't no money here and I ain't exactly easy on the eyes besides", so Mildmay has absolutely no idea what her deal is. He's trying not to dwell on it overmuch, though, because it's really nice to just ignore what he assumes is obvious danger and just pretend like she doesn't mind talking to him.

⚘⚘⚘ | ⨕⨕

Character Name; Relationship


Character Name; Relationship


Character Name; Relationship


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Character Name; Relationship


well obv he hates everyone, ooc

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