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Oct 16, 2008 15:42

so let's see what else i need to update on.

one of my good friends and i went through a really rough patch in our friendship.it all started with a disagreement over something trivial that got REALLY out of hand.we are talking screaming,crying,name calling through texts,over the phone and in person.it went on and on and the tension got sillycrazy WILD.it was terribly obviously whenever we were around each other.you could sense the thickness in the air and well...she could not really take it.i knew that something more was going on than this trivial thing.all of our mutual friends kept telling me something more was definitely happening.so after a few weeks of this happening it all hit a head.

we yelled at each other.well mostly she YELLED and i smirked in this ohemgeeseriously way.i probably seemed a little bit bitchy and she sure told me so but really if you had seen this display.she was in this pit of furious deeply resonating anger mixed with emotionemotionemotion like a fireball hurdled against a wall.everything in her path was catching her energy.except me.i let it go and what happened in the end was...well...she told me she is in love with me.she has been for a while.WHOA.and like in love with me in the i want to be with you.i want you to be my girlfriend way.DOUBLEWHOA.

i am glad we are talking.i am glad that ongoing tension she has been feeling has been relieved.she seems happier now.we will see what happens but at least when we are near each other i know what she is feeling.it helps a lot of things make sense.but in love with me?seriously?!shocking.

also a few other friends have made it known that they have feelings for me too.i want to make sure i don't hurt anyone or myself in the process.it is just day by day my friends.dayyyy by daaaay.right now i am having fun!

i am considering taking a promotion at work.it is not to be a full-timer but it is the in-between position.basically i do everything i am already doing but open my availability up to do some nights and learn the office stuff.i will be eligible for up to two dollars more each raise and my cap out amount is different as well as my title.i don't know!i am not doing anything in a directional sense with my life right now.so why not?i won't have to leave my store but it will be more responsibility.my captain is pushing me to do it.i don't knooowww.i do not have much faith in myself to take a quasi-management responsibility for some reason.but i know i am awesome!i don't understand!

i also have lately had this crazy thought about MOVING.CRAZY!oh god ME?moving?!stephanie you are something else.something else crazygonuts!and i am planning on a trip soon.mustmustmustmust go on a trip!snelson wants me to go to scotland,holly wants me to go to green bay,gwen wants me to come to michigan,carolyn says come to portland and i miss boston.

oh!oh!oh!tomorrow plumbsy and i are going to the dc zoo in the morning.we are SO uberexcited.it will be awesome.we have been planning this for a while.so we are getting breakfast in the morning,some zoo time and then going to dylan's birthday celebration.it will be an all around fun day.although cracker will be sad to have no mommy all day.i am warning and prepping her now.

ok!this is the outline for things that i can think of right now!i need FOOD.
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