Again something that I did on another forum, and for the lack of anything else to say; here you go:
Kirsty -
1. If I'm in a bad mood, your best bet is to leave me alone, do not listen to that old saying 'Misery loves company' cos in my case its shite.
2. If above mood continues, do not ask me if I'm ok, cos your most likely to be on the receiving end of a slap.
3. If your in my house, for god sake do not make a mess, if u spilll - wipe it up, put things back where u found them, cos I will know if u've moved something (even just a milimeter)
4. If I'm crying, don't ask questions, the solution usually lies in a hug.
5. Normally if I need help, I will ask but if I'm being particualarly stubborn, please interject with some assistance.
6. My love for my mother is neverending, fuck with her and I will poke your eyes out with a fork.
7. If you borrow a dvd, please return it in the condition u received it in. If you keep it for months on end, I will seek overdue payments.
8. I pay the cable, so please do not change the channel when I'm watching it.
9. When Doctor Who or Torchwood is on, the world stops, so don't hate if I turn the ringer off or deafie the door.
10. I hate the phone so if u feel the need to talk, please use MSN or txt me, (I love you and I will listen)
11. I hate work and I hate getting up early even more, so please chuck water over me should the need arise.
12. If I'm on the bus, quite happily reading a book with the earphones plugged in, it can be assumed that I don't want to talk to u, much less hear your life story.
13. Friends are the backbone of who I am, I will not hesitate to take you out if u hurt them.
14. I may be a lesbian who has a major crush on John Barrowman (WTF) but under no circumstance should you question my sexuality (That means you Karla)!
15. Finally, personality will get u thru the door but chocolate and your tongue will get u further!!
(Couldn't resist being naughty at the end)
Reading this, I think I have some violence issued to work over. LOL!!