Movie Schpiel

May 03, 2006 12:28

So here are a few movies that I've bought/watched recently

1. Pride and Prejudice- I waited so long to see this movie. I've wanted to ever since it was in theaters. Finally I got it on Netflix and went out and bought it the next day. I've never been a big Keira Knightly fan but she's great and Matthew Macfayden who plays Mr. Darcy is good too (he's no Colin Firth though)

speaking of Colin Firth
2. Girl With a Pearl Earring- Awesome, another Netflix rental that I ran out and bought.

3. Tristan and Isolde- I loved this movie in theaters and I'm glad it's out on dvd, now if my sister would only give it back to me...

4. Into the Blue- This movie was just shameless Paul Walker/Jessica Alba eye candy, but I actually liked the story, it was worth the rent.

and now for one I'm almost embarassed to admit
5. I never have owned Titanic on dvd, until now. I shelled out the bucks for the Special Collectors Edition and boy was it worth it. I had not watched this movie in years and I love it just as much as I did when I was in the 7th grade. I even cried harder when I watched it now than I ever did the like 8 times I saw it at the movie theater.

I've also been watching Romeo and Juliet and Walk the Line a lot latley.
and wow does my life sound sad, I watch movies and I study. Sometime (read-always) I watch movies while studying. Wow I'm stimulating

end schpiel
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